SOC 312 week 4 Assignment: Bullying Prevention

 Bullying Prevention

SOC 312 week 4 Assignment

SOC 312: Child, Family, & Society



“During the elementary school years, children depend on each other for friendship, advice, and self-validation. Peer relations provide a context for self-understanding and learning how to relate to others.” (Bojczyk, Shriner, & Shriner, 2012). Bullying takes place everywhere just not in school, our work places and even just when we go out. When a person what’s to make a change it a cry out for help an effort to do better and get better everything must be done in orderly matter to help the person get better. Any bully can change”. Most times it is tough to know what is or who is doing the bullying. To start off the class as a whole and start everyone from the beginning, role playing that shows the children how to prevent bullying and how not become the bully is a good way to begin.



Purpose: The following plan is to help children become aware and to help prevent bullying prevention.

Goal: Children will learn how to react to different situations to prevent bullying as a whole.

The teacher will begin to define the word bullying and asking children to right down their own meaning and to share it as well. Children will get into groups they will then discuss questions among each other and come up with a sketch to act out different situations and how to prevent different situations.

Questions: What is bullying? How can we stop bullying? Do my words hurt someone else’s feelings? Do my actions or words hurt someone else or makes them feel afraid? Do I try to control others? Do I make fun of someone clothing? Do I chase younger children away from the swings? Do I accidentally bump someone in the hallway but don’t say excuse me? Do I tease others to make people laugh about their clothes and shoes?

All of the questions will give children the opportunity to become aware of the things being said and done and how they can prevent them all. Some things children do they really don’t mean to do it sometime it can be peer press.

An extension to this same activity the children can branch off of it to create a mural which will show the various situations, the children then can draw shapes, bubbles, balloons which ever they choose to show the effective way to handle the different situations. The children can also brainstorm with everyone involved and come up with different ideas on how to help prevent bullying. They can place all ideas in a booklet and these booklets can be passed down to classrooms, students and use for the school a week before bully day It’s great to have because the ideas are coming from the children themselves and they can take them home to review with their parents as well as their siblings the children knows best what to put in the book.

To help the children support Antonio they could all write him letter’s telling him what they didn’t like that he did how he hurt their feelings and they can write how they want him to become more harmless how he can be a better friend. Hearing from the children and the children themselves is giving them hands on to the situation itself. Coming from them should help Antonio feel better because their supporting him. The teachers and parents can all stay linked with one another they can watch Antonio more closely and give him daily activities to concur helping him stay on the right path using a tracker or check list. The teacher also can have follow ups within the classroom with the classmates to make sure everyone is still on the same page.

Parents and teachers have the most important relationship; the child goes from home to school so it is very important for both parties to work together as one. The teacher can give feedback to the parents and vice versa so that everyone can be on the same page. Telling the parents to always keep an open relationship with the child, asking the child how was their day

And what happened at school. Asking questions and being involved with the child at school and at home will help Antonio feel like everyone has his back and wants to help him in do better and get better in every way.


Bojczyk, K., Shriner, B., & Shriner, M. (2012). Supporting Children’s Socialization: A Developmental Approach. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center (

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