Whitepaper on Food Security

Whitepaper on Food Security


SOC 450 Solutions to Global Issues


Food Security is a real issue that requires focus and attention from all nations. The increase in global population along with technology, make the world smaller every day. The world’s population is expanding, yet something as simple as access to food and water is not available to all the people who already inhabit the world, let alone those people to come. The food shortage in many developing countries is due to government control over food. Those governments maintain control and give preference to one group while limiting access to nutritious food other groups. In doing so, they are weaponizing food that should be a human right for all people. In 2014, National Geographic reported, “ There are more than 7 billion people on Earth now, and roughly one in eight of us doesn’t have enough to eat. The question of how many people the Earth can support is a long-standing one that becomes more intense as the world’s population—and our use of natural resources—keeps booming.” (Dimick, 1) This white paper will research and report on food insecurity and the role population growth plays in it. This paper will report specific factors that interrupt the flow of food from the source to the people in China. This paper will also report forms of technology that can be used to reduce hunger and improve food security while explaining how these technological solutions would work.

Food insecurity, and what role does population growth play in it?

The security of knowing you have water to drink and food to eat is a human right. No person should have to suffer food insecurity where they don’t understand how they are going to find food and water and be able to access it regularly. Too many nations and especially in developing countries such as China which possesses a very high number of people in many congested areas. Population growth without the infrastructure and political involvement to ensure people are safe, secure, have water, food, and shelter is a real problem. The higher increase in population requires even more support. Just imagine Manhatten Island, NY being closed off without power, food, water, and garbage clean up for a month. The streets would be littered with garbage and death. This is the reality of many developing countries that have groups unsupported by their government. They live with food insecurity every day. “One of the key challenges of governments is to find the appropriate combination of market forces and government intervention. To achieve sustainable food security for all, markets and government policy must work together in harmony”( Pinstrup-Andersen, 2). Weak institutions, poor governance, and bad policy choices are some of the responsible reasons for limited poverty reduction associated with economic growth. Food price stabilization is also another factor that can be worked. Food price stabilization can guide resource allocation through price signals from the source (farmers) to the consumers. By stabilizing and controlling affordable and accessible food, there will be a reduction in demand-supply imbalances that could cause a global food price crisis. Global food policy should include a focus on all areas not limited to but including political, agronomic, economic, infrastructure, and technology. The genuine ownership of people, governments, and countries who can help assist developing countries is a start. Continued growth and focus should become the norm until this problem is solved.

What specific factors interrupt the flow of food from the source to the people in China

Our world focuses on the short-term and long-term balance between the production of food and the consumption of that food. If food prices are rising, the production rate would be lost to ever-growing food consumption. This would be an issue in any developing country that has a higher population than the ability to produce food. This and higher income in isolated areas cause food demand to affect the production and supply for food. “Modern analyses of food security list five essential components: availability of food on farms and in markets, access to that food by all households (urban and rural), effective utilization of the food within the household (a function of food safety, nutritional status and health), the sustainability of the food system that delivers these components and its stability” (Timmer, 3).

Food supply and food safety is a significant factor in densely populated countries such as China. China’s rapid growth in population, industrialization, and modernization is affecting food supply and food safety. Some of the important factors limiting agricultural production in China are converting agricultural land for other uses, the lack of fresh water, and soil quality. The Chinese diet also increases the demand for agricultural products to feed the increased consumption of animal products. This will increase crops used as animal feed and take from crops that can feed humans. China’s major sources of food poisoning are pathogenic microorganisms, toxic animals, and plants that contaminate the food supply. Chemical contamination by toxic industrial waste and illegal additives are also issues affecting food safety. “China’s connections to global agricultural markets are also having important effects on food supply and food safety within the country. Although the Chinese Government has shown determination to reform laws, establish monitoring systems, and strengthen food safety regulation, weak links in implementation remain” ( Lam, 4)

Forms of technology that can be used to reduce hunger and improve food security

Our text states, China, which has about 19 percent of the world’s population but only about 7 percent of its arable land, has implemented active programs to limit its population growth and has drastically reduced its birth rate. In 2015 China’s population was about 1.4 billion, and the population is expected to decline to 1.2 billion by 2075” (Hite, 5). This implementation will assist in future generations, but what can China do now? Technology and its advancements can assist in many ways. China’s people are changing the way the world grows and sells food. The Chinese diet is more like the U.S. diet, and this is forcing Chinese companies to search and use other countries to feed that diet. China has food investments, land acquisition, and a combination of both all across the world. The growth of China from rice plots to mega-giant companies and corporations have made China a Global leader in technology and production. The growth over the last four decades caused an economic boom driven by its factories, investments, and exports. The agricultural improvements and growth were affected, as well. The land was reformed to grow other crops like wheat with the continued growth of rice. This growth caused a wealthier middle class that eats like Americans. The problem is this diet, and the population doesn’t work hand in hand. Using technology and governmental resources, China is trying to reform agriculture by market controls, improving farm efficiency, curbing land loss, and imports. “In each case, technology is the key to balancing the food equation. The nation is spending billions on water systems, seeds, robots, and data science to roll back some of the ravages of industry and develop sustainable, high-yield farms”(Bloomberg, 6). Technology and government focus is going to continue to help China. In that, the world can learn and apply China’s success to other developing countries in need.


This white paper researched and reported on food insecurity and the role population growth plays in it. This paper reported specific factors that interrupt the flow of food from the source to the people in China. This paper also reported forms of technology that can be used to reduce hunger and improve food security while explaining how these technological solutions would work. Food Security is a real issue that requires focus and attention from all nations. The increase in global population along with technology, make the world smaller every day. The world’s population is expanding, and food shortage in many developing countries is due to government control over food by giving preference to one group while limiting access to nutritious food others. This weaponizing of food should be stopped. Food and water are necessary to life and a human right for all people. No one should have the right to keep food from people who need it, especially in a world that makes and wastes more food than there are people to consume it. I believe our technology and our will to do good over evil, help rather than control should control our drive as critical thinking evolved human beings to help our own. Shouldn’t humans be the number one focus on the protected and endangered species of the world?


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