Benchmark Case Study Ana

Benchmark Case Study Ana

Grand Canyon University: SPD 550

Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

Student Strengths

Ana is a 14-year-old female in the ninth grade. She is a polite and friendly student who enjoys interacting and conversing with adults. She is eager to please her mother and exhibits no behavioral or disciplinary concerns at this time. Ana enjoys sports and would like to get involved in school athletics. Ana’s academic area of strength is Mathematics.


        Ana was given the verbal WISC assessment and the non-verbal UNIT assessment both placing her in the average intelligence range with a score of 105. The Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement assessment results revealed she is in in the low average range in Broad Reading with a score of 82 and in the low average range in the area of Broad Written Language with a score of 87. Ana scored in the average range in the area of Broad Math with a score of 99.

Subtests further detailed Ana results. In the cluster of Broad Reading Ana scored in the low average range. Subtest results concluded that in the areas of Letter – Word Identification (score 85) and Reading Fluency (score 81) Ana is considered low average. In Passage Comprehension (score 93) Ana is considered in the average range.

In the cluster of Broad Written Language Ana scored in the low average range. Subtests in the areas of Spelling (score 86) and Writing Fluency (score 87) also concluded Ana is considered to be in the low average range. Ana’s results corroborated her teacher’s assessment results which place Ana on a Seventh grade independent reading level with 80% comprehension, having difficulty sounding out words, often spelling wordsincorrectly, and difficulty writing a paragraph on topic.

In the cluster of Broad Math Ana scored in the average range on all subtests. Ana scored 101 on the Math Fluency subtest, 104 on the Applied problems subtest, and 93 on the Calculations subtest.  

Performance in Classes

Ana is eager to please her teachers however her absenteeism has impacted her class performance. She is failing multiple classes and exhibits difficulty completing homework and classwork in a timely fashion. Ana shows difficulty in note taking during class and often falls behind.

Influences of Language, Culture, and Family Background

Ana’s mother was still in high school when she gave birth to Ana. Ana’s grandmother and mother are her primary caretakers, whom she is extremely close with. Ana has limited interactions with her father. Ana expresses her desire to please her mother but feels her expectations are unattainable.

Ana spends most of her time with adults and prefers adult interactions over peer interactions. She has difficulty maintaining peer interactions and does not participate in social activities with her peers. Ana expresses that she has experienced teasing by her peers due to her size and race.

Strengths, Preference, and Interest in Non-Academic Areas

Ana is well spoken and is able to easily converse with adults. Ana prefers interacting with adults rather than her peers. Ana expresses an interest in school athletics but feels she is unable to participate due to her size.


Until this year, Ana attended school regularly. Ana began exhibiting chronic absenteeism and tardiness last year. The Attendance Secretary makes regular calls to the home, the Guidance Counsellor meets with Ana, a schedule change has been implemented, and a truancy petition has been sent to Juvenile Court. Ana’s mother reports that Ana often feels tired and has difficulty getting up in the morning.

Additional Information

Ana has no documented medical concerns however her physical growth seems to have stopped. Ana is 5’1” and considerably smaller when compared to her peers. Ana’s size has impacted her self-esteem and how she feels others view her. Ana’s negative self- image impacts her ability to make connections with peers and is impacting her attendance.

Annual Goals

Measurable Behavioral Goal

Goal 1: During the regularly scheduled school year, Ana will arrive on time to school 4 out of 5 school days and maintain a school attendance chart, to be assessed by the guidance counselor each day once per week.  


Missed an average of 10 days per school year in grades K-7

Absence increased to 2 or more times per week in 8th grade

Absent 50 days in grade 8

Long periods of absence in 9th grade, absent for 2 weeks

Is absent more than is present

Goal 2: During structured and unstructured times, Ana will initiate interactions  with 1-2 peers for 10 minutes with no more than 1 adult prompt in 4 out of 5 opportunities, measured by teacher/staff data and observation biweekly.


Has trouble making friends

Has trouble connecting with peers her own age

Does not participate in extracurricular activities or community social events

Prefers adult interactions

Able to initiate and maintain a conversation with adults

Measurable Academic Goal

Goal 1: Each marking period, after reading a Seventh grade level teacher-selected text, Ana will state the theme or central idea of the text and provide 4 written text based details in support, measured by the teacher, 3 out of 4 trials.


WJIII Test of Achievement Passage Comprehension  score 91

WJIII Test of Achievement Writing Fluency score 87

WJIII Test of Achievement Broad Reading score 82

WJIII Test of Achievement Broad Written Language score 87

7th grade independent reading level

Average Intelligence

Unable to complete a paragraph on topic

Goal 2: When completing final draft written assignments, Ana will use reference materials (including the spell check feature in word processing applications) to check and correct the spelling of final draft submissions resulting in 0 words misspelled, to be measured by the teacher utilizing a rubric, 2 out of 3 assignments.


WJIII Test of Achievement Spelling  score 86

WJIII Test of Achievement Writing Fluency score 87

WJIII Test of Achievement Broad Written Language score 87

Average Intelligence

Able to write a complete sentence

Often spells words incorrectly


Based on the information provided about Ana both measurable behavioral and academic goals have been drafted. Behavioral goals focusing on Ana’s attendance and peer interactions were selected due to her chronic absenteeism and lack of interactions with same aged peers. An academic goal focusing on Ana’s ability to read text and write a paragraph on a selected topic was selected based on the information provided by both her teacher and formal assessment results. An academic goal focusing on the use of resource materials to assist Ana in correcting misspelled words was also selected based on the information provided by both her teacher and formal assessment results.

It has been documented that Ana is absent from school more than she is present. Ana’s mother reports that Ana refuses to wake up for school. Having Ana monitor her own attendance in addition to being monitored by school staff will provide Ana ownership and a sense of independence and control over her attendance. Ana aims to please, having a tangible chart she can share with her mother and grandmother will provide Ana an outlet to please them both in an attainable manner.

Chronic absenteeism is a problem that is not only impacting Ana’s academics but also peer interactions and her ability to form relationships with others her age. Ana spends most of her time with adults and is more comfortable communicating with adults, rather than peers. Ana’s display of emotion when speaking about her lack of peer interactions, demonstrates her desire to have peer interactions. Providing Ana opportunities to initiate peer interactions in social settings, with adult support, will not only increase her self-esteem, but likely increase her ability to form relationships with peers. A future goal as a result of these interactions is for Ana to become more involved in school activities such as sports.

Ana is currently independently reading at a 7th grade level. While she is able to form complete sentences, she has difficulty writing a paragraph on topic. Providing Ana with text on her independent reading level and instruction in writing details on a specified  topic addresses her need for support in reading and writing. It has been documented that Ana often spells words incorrectly on classroom assignments, including final drafts. Providing her with resources such as utilizing spell check, will allow Ana to self-assess prior to turning in an assignment, identify and correct frequently misspelled words, and teach Ana learning strategies to assist her with her needs.

Each goal has been designed utilizing background information, baseline data, and evaluation data to meet Ana’s individual needs. Each goal specifies a responsible party to monitor the progress of said goal, a specific form of measurement, criteria, and how often progress is to be measured.

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