Strategies for Domestic Violence

Strategies for Domestic Violence

Strategies for Domestic Violence

Domestic violence should not be considered as a community public issue but should be a global concern. Domestic violence affects all the women throughout the world through sexual harassment or physical torture. Domestic violence may include the partners or the non-partners leading to serious health effects. Developing and industrialized countries are experiencing domestic violence for women. Domestic violence is a major public health issue which mostly affects both the women and the children. Domestic violence has got serious health issue to the people experiencing it or those people who have already experienced it. Domestic violence may lead to chronic diseases, infections or mental health problems whereby it becomes hard for the victim to cope with the situation whereby in severe cases it may lead to suicide. Domestic violence should not be taken lightly but it should be addressed by the law enforcement authorities. One of five women or one among ten men has experienced domestic violence from their partners leaving them traumatized (Kyriacou et al. 2009).

Domestic violence is a major public issue whereby it has got health impacts to the women, girls and also to men. Domestic violence can lead to death or severe injury of the person, depression, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies which may lead to abortion. These are serious health problems related to domestic violence whereby these problems can in turn affect the community and the country at large. The victims are the citizens who need protection and freedom from the law enforcement therefore, it is important for the government to come in and protect or end domestic violence. Domestic violence affects the economy whereby potential youths and also men and women are harassed leaving them in a state whereby they are unable to provide support to themselves and also to the country. There is therefore, need to report domestic violence incidences and create awareness to all people in order to end it.Women and girls need to be educated in order to avoid stigma which make them fear reporting the domestic violence cases (Carter et al. 2010).

Law enforcement should address the domestic violence in communities in order to end these crimes. Domestic violence is a major crime which should be taken seriously whereby all the citizens need protection and respect to their rights. All the citizens are entitled to the right to freedom, expression, protection and also security. The community needs protection from the law enforcement because they are the citizen and the law serves its people. The law enforcement should also respond or address domestic violence in their communities because it is one of the criminal offenses that not only affect the individual but also the community. Domestic violence threatens the lives of the individual and also the community members whereby the police should come in and address this problem. Domestic violence endangered every activity in the community if not responded to by the police whereby it can extend to other members creating injuries and also death (Coker et al, 2012).

Conclusively, domestic violence policy is therefore designed to support and protect those people with the information about the domestic violence. The goal of this policy is to arrest any individual who has committed the crime, reduce domestic violence crimes, mitigate the civil liability to law enforcement and also provide protection to both adults and children from domestic violence. Law enforcement should educate and create awareness to all the communities to reduce stigma so that the victims can report the crime when they occur. Community- based strategies also should be implemented to ensure that the society works hand in hand with the police to reduce domestic violence. The police should respond immediately to any call and take action on any case concerning domestic violence (Hayden, Barton, & Hayden, 2007).


Coker, A. L., Davis, K. E., Arias, I., Desai, S., Sanderson, M., Brandt, H. M., & Smith, P. H. (2012). Physical and mental health effects of intimate partner violence for men and women. American journal of preventive medicine, 23(4), 260-268.

Hayden, S. R., Barton, E. D., & Hayden, M. (2007). Domestic violence in the emergency department: how do women prefer to disclose and discuss the issues?. The Journal of emergency medicine, 15(4), 447-451.

Kyriacou, D. N., Anglin, D., Taliaferro, E., Stone, S., Tubb, T., Linden, J. A., … & Kraus, J. F. (2009). Risk factors for injury to women from domestic violence. New England journal of medicine, 341(25), 1892-1898.

Ramsay, J., Richardson, J., Carter, Y. H., Davidson, L. L., & Feder, G. (2010). Should health professionals screen women for domestic violence? Systematic review. Bmj, 325(7359), 314.

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