Algebra is often defined as the language through which patterns are described and expressed. This course has been going great for me and I must say as it stands now: it is ticking all boxes. When I joined the course I had very limited algebra background. So for me it was about starting from the scratch. The algebra basics were not particularly hard as I had previously thought. I found linear equations and linear equation word problems easy and doable.

I think I am progressing with the course just fine, learning something new every time. The progress I have made in this short has been extra-ordinary. I have learnt about linear inequalities, linear equations and linear functions and I think on everything linear I am good to go.

It has not been easy sailing though for me especially when it comes to quadratic expressions. This mainly has to do with the quadratic formula, everyone keeps telling me how it and I realize that I haven’t got my head around it just yet. I know that to fully understand and be able to apply this formula will take my algebra skills to a whole new level and that is why I really want to grasp this.

My advice to new and potential algebra students is simple you need to be prepared to work and literally work out sums. It is not something you will give a half-hearted dedication. One should be prepared to give his all and always remember it is about doing much practice

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