Summary on Heroes and Whores

Summary on Heroes and Whores

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The article concentrates on the aspects of world War One (WW1) and antiwar imagery presented through art history. The artistic history of antiwar artists such as Dix, Friedrich and Kollwitz has been outlined regarding the way periodicals, portfolios, and antiwar war pictures and the way they are presented in the Weimar debate of the contributions of German soldiers and women in the war. The artistic presentation outlines German veterans during WW1 and the way their physical and moral purity is presented. However, when it comes to prostitutes during the war, they have been presented as corruptors the male soldiers and a negative force to the whole nation. It also outlines the proletarian women and their roles in caring for the war veterans and their dedication to motherhood during the war.

Sexual identity has been discussed and its contribution to aiding the soldiers during the war or its roles in corrupting the soldiers during the war. However, the author concentrates on the Weimar’s antiwar artists and how their antiwar campaigns contributed to the political arena. The role of the artistic campaigners against the war and their patriotic ideologies has been outlined leading to the formation of a debate in regards to the role of gender during the war. Aspects of heroism, maternity and manliness have been debated and the roles they played in fostering visual antiwar images that depict how senseless the slaughter that occurred during the WW1 was, considering that the loss of Germany in the war has been blamed on her enemies from outside and within. As a result, heroism has been outlined and the role it played to the purity of manliness. The article thus has a holistic debate on the role of male soldiers, women, prostitutes and heroism in the war, and the need for the antiwar campaign.


Apel, D. (1997). “Heroes” and “Whores”: The Politics of Gender in Weimar Antiwar Imagery. The Art Bulletin, 79(3), 366. doi:10.2307/3046258

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