TECH 462 –Industrial Safety Engineering- accident prevention plan

Accident Prevention Plan

(Your Name)

TECH 462 –Industrial Safety Engineering

Table of Contents


Purpose & IntentionsPage 10

Company Presidents StatementPage 13

Management Responsibilities

Manager ResponsibilitiesPage 16

Supervisors ResponsibilitiesPage 17

Employee Orientation

How and WhenPage 21

Emergency Action PlanPage 23

Emergency Shutdown ProceduresPage 23

Injury and Illness Procedures

Procedures Page 26

Record Keeping Page 27

Supervisor Responsibilities Page 28

Report Form Page 29

Incident/Accident Investigation Procedures

Procedure Steps Page 35

Worksheet Form Page 37

Incident/accident Table Page 43

Safety Guidelines

General Guidelines Page 48

Equipment Specific Page 49

Individual Specific Page 53

Safety Disciplinary Policy

Safety Disciplinary Policy Page 55

Safety Awareness Program

Safety Committee Page 59

Safety Meetings Page 60

Safety Training and Forms Page 60

Safety Award Program Page 64

Appendix A: Material Safety Data Sheet


Appendix B: State and Federal Posters


Appendix C: OSHA Forms and Instructions

OSHA Form InstructionsPage 76

OSHA Form 300 Page 78

OSHA Form 300A Page 79

OSHA Form 301 Page 80


Accidents normally happen in work places . Especial y work stations that deal with heavy

Machines and industries .They are normally dire and consequential .Most industrial accidents have caused many people death and long term suffering to the individuals involved.

These accidents can be prevented if proper proper accident reverential plan is adopted as explained in detail in this report.

Most industrial accidents have caused companies and individuals a lot.Companies have lost their hard earned revenue in making up for this in the past.Some accidents have had other companies face closure because of simple mistakes.

Operating licenses have been revoked for some companies.Getting these licenses back could be a nightmare if impossible.

Governments worldwide have strict rules to be adhered to when establishing a company.Most of these rules are meant to protect the workers and consumers of the products of these companies.They are for the good and benefit of everyone and every individual within or otside the company.

The environmentally ,when there are industrial accidents , suffers a lot.Cases of fumes exhumed to the environment have lead to global warming .This is because most of these

Fumes consume the ozone layer.Some of them cover the globe as a blanket or technically

Global warming phenomenon.Animals living in the antarctic and other cold environments

Have moved to habitats hoisting humans .This is dangerous to mankind.Water levels in the sea and lakes increase to the mainland where humans live.Dangerous as well.

Socially,accidents demoralize individuals when they get permanent disabilities.

People who lose their bread winners suffer since they will have no one to look up to.

The society at large will lose very many people of importance and role models if safety i industries is not guaranteed.

For companies dealing in electronics and mechanics,like this one, industrial accidents can be very dire and life threatening.

Heavy machines like the fork lift if manhandled can be dangerous.Fork lift for instance can injure fellow employs if mishandled and used in appropriately.Conveyors have very may reported cases of causing accidents .They can blow in operators clothing and within a second,the person is no longer .Dangerous.

Hoists has reported cases of the load in them falling to the people working under it or just malfunctioning and causing injuries.

Meal punch presses have caused may operators to loose their fingers.Most of them have had them chopped off.

When operating a Metal bending and cutting machines ,care should be taken at all cost.These machines pose the most risk since It works on bare .They can roll metals with the operators if they are not careful.Personally i know of many people who have been injured by these machines .Most of them have their hands amputated if they are lucky enough to survive

   Plastic injection molding machines are nom-ally hot as they are used to mould plastics.They normally cause fire accidents . Cere should be handles since most of the equipments in the working area could catch fire easily.Flammable equipments should be kep far away from this equipments .

Plastic sheet forming equipment are normal y not that dangerous but if in any case mishandled,they can cause accidents.Nothing provided it’s a machine in a workplace can”t cause accidents if mishandled.

  Shearing machine for sheet plastic can cause cutting of the operator and other people. This one of the most dangerous equipments since they are sharp at all times. They cause deep cuts to the victims.

Accidents are not only caused by these factory equipments.There are many other causes of accidents within the factory that can directly or indirectly cause accidents.Care and safety should be the top priority at all time

A. Purpose & Intentions

The main purpose and intention of this is to ensure that all the employees’ safety is never put at risk.Their safety and health are the priorities of the company .Never ever should their health put at risk.

The main reason for emphasizing this is because when the employees are healthy ,their full potential is recognised.They will work for the company with their full strength hence making the company realize more profits at the end of it all.

Further more ,when employees are in good health,their social morale is boosted .

Their full potential is achieved and the company will get the best out of them.

The company will not waste a lot of time when the employees are absent. Obviously when accidents are not prevented, employees are injured and hence they will have to be away for

Sometime or lifetime to attend to their injuries from the factory accidents.The company will lose alot of time and money combined since time is money. To avoid this,make accident prevention the main agenda of the factory.

Not observing accident prevention plan can lead the company losing a lot of money.

Laws and rules of different countries and institutions have it that when an employee is injured,they are suppose to be refunded.This refund normally goes for a huge sum of money.

The company is destined to lose more if the individual affected goes to the authorities .

To avoid this the company should invest in safety precautions so that they do not lose more.

The other purpose is to win the employees confidence to that institution/factory.

When the factory doesn’t pose any threat to their lives ,the employees will have confidence in

Working in that factory. This will make them realize their full potential.

Having the best accident prevention plan also make the machines work efficiently without interruption.This means that the machine will be working continuously .This will make the operators realize the full potential of this equipments.

As a company,there is always the intention of doing and being the best among the competition .The intention of protecting the factory’s image .This will make the company be known of high and good reputation.

When your products are not associated with risky adventures,people will tend to have some positive views about your company.This is good in the competition and the sustainability of the company.

Environmental purposes.We all as human beings have the role keep our environment as clean as we found it.keeping it clean involves implementing in place all accidents prevention plans.

Lately,there has been the issue of global warming taking center stage.We in the industries have been blamed for emitting dangerous waste to the environment. If we

Keep all accident prevention plans ,we are in a position to reduce this.

Take a case of when plastic injection and molding are left un attended for long or left and operated when faulty,They will excessively heat up and produce gasses that are dangerous

To the environment.

As seen above we have a purpose and a good intention to our environment.

B. Company Presidents Statement

The president is committed to providing safe and healthy working environment to all our 350

employers and the people who might be present in this factory at any time.

It our responsibility to to manage and conduct business in away that offers maximum protection to all our employees and any other person that may be affected by our is our absolute conviction to offer a healthy environment to all people ,employees and any other person alike.

We will put all our effort in ensuring that there will absolutely be nothing that poses a health risk in our factory.All health hazards when ,posed in any time,will be dealt with in the minimum time as possible.I recommend the safety and success registered in the past.Our employees and everyone around have tried their their best to ensure that there was a success in the previous accident prevention plans.Thanks a lot.

We have allocated a total of $8,000 in this year’s budget to go to the accident prevention plan.This will serve in sensitizing the people who visit our factory.It will also be used in updating our employees by educating them on the new equipments in the market so that they

The company will establish procedures to receive commentations, assistance and information from employees about safety and health.This factory will comply to all state laws on safety and all health regulations.

This policy applies to all the employees and any other person affected by our operations in the factory.

Management Responsibilities

A. Manager Responsibilities  

-Devote resources that are required in order to eliminate any or/all hazards in the workplace.

-Put in place a system for hazard reporting that enable everyone to report on unsafe conditions

– Being member of the safety committee and pay everyone on the committee for the time spent on safety work

-provide training on Accident prevention plan.

-Rewarding safe performance

-Enforcing positive behavior

-sticking to positive behaviors

-Providing the necessary training and orientation

-Planning and following the plans

B. Supervisors Responsibilities

-ensure that all rules,policies , regulation and procedures are understood by conducting an orientation to all workers before they start their job

-prevent new employees from starting work until the required training is completed

-Ensure proper care and use of all the equipments in the factory

-Eliminate all hazards through job safety analysis procedures

-Inform all employees the hazardous equipments in the factory

-Receive and take the initial actions on safety suggestions by the employee.

-Reviewing accident trends and establishing accident control measures

-Attending safety meetings and participating in proceedings

-Encourage employees to participate in safety and health program

-Be a good safety example to the employees.

-Identifying and eliminating job safety hazards

-Thoroughly inspecting job sites in the factory so that they can eliminate hazardous environments.

-Establishing rules and procedures in the factory to reduce hazards.

-Have a training in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures.

-Be ware of everything that is going on in the factory at any time to prevent possible accidents from negligence

Employee Orientation

All the 350 employees must attend an orientation provided by the company.This orientation will be done before the start of working of the employees.This safety orientation training must be documented in an Accident Prevention Plan Acknowledgment.The orientation will include:

-The purpose of Accident Prevention Plan

-Analyses of the job safety requirement

-names of persons responsible for the factory

-first aid training

-morning safety and preparatory meeting procedures

-ways of controlling or eliminating health hazards.

-Accident prevention responsibilities and maintaining safe and heathy environments

-Procedures for reporting unsafe working conditions correcting and even unsafe practices.

-Accidents and illness reporting responsibility.

-safety equipment locations (first aid kit,Fire extinguisher etc )

– operating procedures,rules of safety and factory working procedures.

-working zone site control measures.

-A program to communicate hazardous environment

-routine checks of the equipment

– Mechanical activities

– Electrical activities

-house keeping

-fire prevention

-confined entry space procedures

-Tag out procedures

-Fall protection

-hot work procedures

A. How and When

ALL employees will receive this training when they are close to starting their work.They re also supposed to undertake all the medical examinations to ascertain their health.All the procedures listed above will aid them in accomplishing all these.

Each employee should look into it that they attend all these.This will enable them have a fast and a smooth working conditions when an accident occurs.

The management should be in a position of proving and catering for all the employees. This includes all the training personnel, routine Medical checkups, First aid kits ,Enough working environment etc

To also improve the the accident prevention plan,the management should also ensure that all the visitors visiting the factory are well catered for with the necessary accident prevention measures.This is because some people visiting the work place don’t have enough safety knowledge.Some people also are very negligent and reminding them one in a while could do them justice.

Creating a team that can be looking into the safety operations all the time is the best option . this could be a team selected among the the employees.This is one way of improving the efficiency and thus avoiding accidents

At all times ,the employees should be aware of the rules and procures .Regular update on new equipments should be done. As this is a company that deals with import,all instructions written in different languages should be interpreted to mean what it was intended to me when it was written.

B. Emergency Action Plan

There should be nothing that can course an emergency be left to stay idle .When not avoidable,they should never be left unattended for in any time.However when such a situation occurs,it should be handled with utter most care. All employs should be taught how to respond to emergencies whenever they occur. In any case when an emergency is not responded to on time,they may lead to dire consequences and thus finally harming the whole factory.

In case of an emergency in the factory’s working space the actions in procedure below should be taken :

C. Emergency Shutdown Procedures

Emergency shut down procedure is designed to reduce the losses/consequences in an event of an accident or any other emergency situation.

Incase of an emergency in the factory,Follow the following procedures

Turn on the alarm

Switch off the power from the main switch

Turn off all other machines

Inform the factory authorities

Call the ambulance if need be/fire brigade

Offer first aid where you can

Move to the safest site,probably fire ground so that the rescue team can come in

Fro this point,more accidents and losses will have been prevented .

Injury & Illness Procedures

Simple definitions of injury and illness

Injury-An event that results in physical harm of the employee

Illness-a deviation from a state of good health

This is a situation where the injury has already occurred in a factory and you are preparing on how to go about it. The detailed procedures below will show how this will be done in an easy and most convenient way:

    A. Procedures

-The supervisor should take charge immediately

-call 911 emergency response service service and the area transport service or the factory car if the injury requires transport service .

-Provide first aid service

-Arrange for an ambulance

-Inform the manager and any other person on top management

-Do not temper with the scene of the accident since it will be used for investigation

-inform the immediate family members of the injured

-Go with the injured to home or hospital

-Stay in touch with the injured till they are relieved.

B. Record Keeping

Everyone believes that only valid means of reviewing and identifying trends and deficiencies in a safety program is through an effective record keeping program. The record keeping element is also essential in tracking the performance of duties and responsibilities under the program.

This factory is committed to maintaining and implementing , up-to-date and an active record keeping program.

Illness and Injury records

The company will keep and maintain all the employees Illness and Injury records.This is for the sake of reference and tracking preposes.

The following records are applicable only for work related injuries

-occupational health and safety record ,work related illness or a similar one if necessary

-injury and illness record

-Insurance and compensation record or other forms when the employees are not covered

-First aid record and other non insurable records

All these records are kept in the factory for monitoring preposes. copies are submitted to insurance companies for companies to compensate them. The copies kept in the company are used to track and evade accidents from ever occurring in the factory.

The records will be kept for a minimum of five years or otherwise as required by law.

C. Supervisor Responsibilities

Th injuries and illness will be reported without basing on any oof the categories below

-Criticality of the injury /illness

-First aid

-injury lost time

-Illness based on occupation

-Damage of property


-Environmental release

-Near Miss


-Their responsibilities are

-Ensure that first aid is administered by a qualified personnel upon notification

-Make sure that the employee is given medical treatment if necessary and the treatment is recorded

-Ensure that safety and response team are notified

-Fill in the accident reporting or incident reporting form and distribute it to the employee .I f there is lost time ,fatalities and so many other things,this should be reported to the management

-Make sure that the appropriate personnel within the organization are notified like the manager ,employee etc.

-followup with the injured employee to ensure good monitoring and later better judgment of the employee

D. Report Form

The management will be responsible for conducting all investigations of accidents and incidents in the factory.Upon notification ,the management will select a team if investigators to determine the course of the incident or accident.They should begin immediately after the accident/incident.

The investigators will base their investigation on

-How the incident/accident occurred

-special circumstances

-the direct/indirect courses of the accident

The form will look like this one

Name ……………………………Date …………………Time………………….

Social security……………….Work Phone ………..Home phone……………

❏Full time ❏part time Date employed…………. Div…………

Home address……………………………………………………

Witness attached statement

Name ………………………………………….Title………………………….Phone number……………….

Name ………………………………………….Title………………………….Phone number……………….

Name ………………………………………….Title………………………….Phone number……………….

Name ………………………………………….Title………………………….Phone number……………….

Exact location of the injuries ……………………………………………………………………..

Duties being performed……………………………………………………………………………..

Description of the circumstances causing the injury



Foot Protection.❏ Face/Eye Protection. ❏ Fall Protection. ❏

Respiratory Protection. ❏ Hand Protection. ❏ Head Prot. ❏ Apron/Chaps ❏

Back Belt ❏ None ❏ Lifting Assistance Device❏ Other ❏

Object or the equipment which caused the injury……………………………………………………………………

Factors which directly or indirectly caused the accident

❏ Struck by Flying/Thrown Object ❏ Caught in/Under/Between Objects

❏ Temperature Extremes ❏ A Fall ❏ Struck by an Object/Person

❏ Rubbed or Abraded by Object ❏ Bodily Reaction ❏ Electric Shock

❏ Struck Against Object ❏ Blood/Fluid Exposure

❏Disease Exposure ❏ Noise Exposure ❏ Vehicle/Equipment Accident

❏ Toxic Material ❏ Exposure Repetitive Motion

❏ Client Caused ❏ Client Assault ❏ Other


Nature of Injury:

❏ Head ❏ Trunk ❏ Digestive ❏ Eye (s) R L B ❏ Wrist(s) R L B

❏ Ankle(S) R L B ❏ Neck ❏ Abdomen ❏ Respiratory ❏ Shoulder(s) R L B

❏ Finger(s) T I M R P ❏ Foot/Feet R L B ❏ Chest ❏ Groin

❏ Circulatory Arm (s) R L B ❏ Hip(s) R L B Toe(s) R L B

❏ Skin Hand (s) R L B ❏ Other-Describe:……………………………………………………………..

Medical Treatment:

❏ No Treatment ❏ First Aid ❏ Employee Health Clinic ❏ Outside Medical Treatment

Employee’s Signature:…………………… Title: ………………….Date:…………………………

Supervisor’s Signature: …………………….Title: …………………Date:…………………..



Investigation Procedures

An accidents that hs happened that has resulted in the injury of an employee or even fatalities.An incident that nearly resulted in an employees accident deserve to be thoroughly investigated since it could potentially lead to a fatal accident if left uncorrected.

Procedure Steps

1.Define the scope of investigation

2.Select the investigators and assign specific task to each one of them in writing for easy reference

3.Give preliminary briefing to the investigators.This may include

i)Detailed description with damage estimates

ii)Normal operation procedures

iii)location of the incident


V) Witness list

Vi) Events that happened preceding the incident

Vii)events that happened before the incident

Visit the site to get updated information

Insect the accident site

i)secure the area

Ii) Prepare the sketches and photographs to keep accurate records

interview the witnesses and victims


i)what wasn’t normal before the accident

Ii)where the abnormality occurred

Iii) when first noted

Iv)how the incident /accident occurred

Analyze data obtained in 7.Repeat the steps if necessary


i)Why the accident happened

Ii)sequence of events and likely causes

Iii) any other sequence

Compare the sequence with the data in step 7

Determine the likely sequence cause of the accident/incident

Have a post briefing of the accident/incident

Make a summary report with recommendations included and actions to prevent re occurrence.

B. Worksheet Form

What Happened

Date of accident: …………………………………………………………….

Description of accident: …………………………………………………..

Names of parties involved: ……………………………………………….

Names of witnesses: ………………………………………………………..

Location of accident: ………………………………………………………..

Time of accident: ……………………………………………………………

Weather condition (if outside):…………………………………………..

People Responsible for the Accident

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………



Telephone (work): …………………………….(home):………………………………………………

Insurance company: ………………………………Policy number: ………………………………..

Auto license: …………………………………………..

What person did: ……………………………………….

Name: ………………………………………………………



Telephone (work): ………………………………..(home): ……………………………………………..

Insurance company: ………………………..Policy number: …………………………………………..

Auto license: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

What the person did: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Name ……………………………………………………



Telephone (work):……………………………..(home): ……………………………………………………

Insurance company: ……………………………….. Policy number: ……………………………………

Auto license …………………………………………………….

What person did:…………………………………………………………………………………….





Telephone (work): ……………………………….(home): ………………………………………..

Date of first contact: ……………………………………………………………..

Written statement: [ ] yes [ ] no

What person saw: ………………………………………………………………………………………


Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Telephone (work): ……………………………………….(home): ……………………………………..

Date of first contact: …………………………………………………………………………

Written statement: [ ] yes [ ] no

What person saw: ………………………………………………………………………………..




Telephone (work):………………………………………..(home): …………………………………………………

Date of first contact:……………………………………….

Written statement: [ ] yes [ ] no

What person saw: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Medical Treatment Providers

Name: …………………………………………….




Date of first visit:…………………………………

Date of most recent or last visit:…………………………………………………………………

Person to be contacted for medical records: ………………………………………………….

Date requested:………………………………….Date received: ………………………………….

Person to be contacted for medical billing: ………………………………………………………

Date requested:…………………………Date received: ………………………………………….

Reason for treatment and prognosis:……………………………………………………………..


Name: ……………………………………………………….



Telephone: ………………………………………………………….

Date of first visit: ……………………………………………………

Date of most recent or last visit: ………………………………………………………….

Person to be contacted for medical records: …………………………………………..

Date requested: ……………………………….Date received: ……………………………..

Person to be contacted for medical billing:…………………………………………………

Reason for treatment and prognosis: ………………………………………………………………

Date requested:………………………………….Date received:………………………………..

Name: ………………………………………………



Date of first visit:……………………………………..

Date of most recent or last visit:………………………………………

Person to be contacted for medical records: ‘………………………………….

Date requested: ………………………………….Date received:……………………………….

Person to be contacted for medical billing:……………………………………………………..

Date requested: ……………………………………Date received:…………………………………

Reason for treatment and prognosis: ……………………………………………………………….

Other Party’s Insurance Company (First Party)

Company name: ……………………………………………………….



Telephone: ………………………………………………………………….

Insured: …………………………………Claim number: ………………………………………

Adjuster: ………………………………….Date demand letter was sent: ………………………………

Settlement amount: ………………………..Date accepted: ………………………………………………

Other Party’s Insurance Company (Second Party)

Company name:………………………….Address:………………………………………………

Telephone: …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Insured: ………………………………………….Claim number:………………………………

Adjuster: ………………………………………………..

Date demand letter was sent: …………………………………………

Settlement amount: ………………………………………….. Date accepted:……………………………..

Communications With Insurer

Date: …………………………………

If oral, what was said: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Communications With Insurer


If oral, what was said:……………………………………………………………………………………

Communications With Insurer


If oral, what was said: …………………………………………………………………

Communications With Insurer


If oral, what was said…………………………………………………………………….

Communications With Insurer


If oral, what was said: ……………………………………………..


Describe damage to your property: ……………………………………………….

Do you have photos showing damage [ ] yes [ ] no

If Repairable

Estimates for repairs (name of repair shop and amounts of estimates):



Repair bills (name of repair shop and amounts of bills): ………………………………………………………

If totaled:

Documentation of value:………………………………………………….

C. Incident/Accident Table

YES NOEmploy fill the accident report form and forward it toThe factory management immediately1. The Supervisor, a factory Operations Representative and where appointed, an OHS Representative should investigate the incident & implement control measures if required. 2. factory Ops maintain accident register as per OHS Legislative requirements. 3. Factory provide monthly reports relating to accidents & summaries of investigation reports to AVCs, factory, local OHS Committees & the National OHS & Wellbeing Coordinator.
Care for injured, call for medical assistance and secure the site if necessaryWill injury/incident result in claim for Workers Compensation?
Also notify Emergency Services where relevant (e.g. Police, Fire, ambulance, utilities’ provider)YESNO
Implement control measures: 1. Secure Site 2. Assist and comply with WorkCover Investigation 3. Complete WorkCover forms, keep recordsThe human resource manager to begin the process of compensation by filling all the forms required in the inquiriesSupervisor/Manager advised of investigation outcomes.
WorkCover Investigation Report provided to ACU. Report’s recommendations actioned by ACU as & when required1. Factory Operations monitor control measures in conjunction with Supervisors & Managers. 2. Local Committee and National OHS & Wellbeing Coordinator analyze occurrences for trends, and recommend remedial actions where appropriate. 1. Factory Operations monitor control measures in conjunction with Supervisors & Managers. 2. Local Committee and National OHS & Wellbeing Coordinator analyze occurrences for trends, and recommend remedial actions where appropriate.
1. Campus Operations monitor control measures in conjunction with Supervisors & Managers. 2. Local OHS Committee (LOHSC) & National OHS & Wellbeing Coordinator analyze occurrences for trends, and recommend remedial actions (e.g. training), where appropriate.Workers completes the form and sends it to the respective person to the HR Then to the rehab coordinator Rehab Coordinator checks forms and forwards to ACU Workers Compensation Insurer. 
Supervisor/Manager advised of investigation outcomes.Rehab Coordinator liaises with staff member, supervisor, Rehabilitation Provider & relevant people to develop a Return to Work/Rehabilitation Plan. 
 Rehabilitation Plan is implemented and monitored.  
 Staff Member returns to pre-injury duties or if deemed necessary and where possible, permanently modified duties.  

Safety Guidelines


the equipment will not be operated in a manner that will endanger the operator ,property or operated after it has exceeded its safe load

Getting off or on any moving equipment is prohibited

The equipment will be operated in accordance to manufacturers instructions

All machinery will be shut down and positive means taken when undergoing repairs

No guard safety or safety appliance equipment will be removed from machinery or equipment except when making repairs,lubrication adjustments and when the power has been shut down

  Mechanized equipment must be shut down prior and during fueling operations

Each piece of heavy equipment and other similar equipments must be equipped with at least one dry carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

Personnel will not work under past a moving or generally work in the running equipment

All self propelled equipments weather moving alone or propelled must be fixed with a reverse

Seat belt use is a must in all equipments that are driven in the factory

Never handle metal sheets with bare hands

All machines must have safety guards

B. Equipment Specific


Ensure that all belts have guards to protect convectional air currents from blowing the users into the system.

Do not operate when drunk or under medication

When repairing ,the equipment should not be inn operation

Neve pllace hands in the machine when running

Air compressor

Keep a safe distance or operate carefully if the system is not automated

Do not operate the equipment for too long.

Have breaks between when operating the equipments

Keep a good note of safe pressure levels to avoid bursting and explosion

  Electric forklift

Do not perform repairs when the equipment is running

Do not operate it when there ere other employees moving around it

Move within safe speed as recommended by the factory management preferably 20km/h

Do not jump into or out of the fork lift when moving

Have a fire extinguisher


Do not operate it when there are people moving under it

Always inspect the hoist for proper operation at the start of each working da

Replace the belts when they are halfway worn out to keep working in the safe limits

Do not overload the hoist

Read the manufacturers instructions to know how to safely operate the lift

Metal punch presses

Always use this equipment with hand cloves

Don’t use it when drunk to avoid punching yourself

Keep the equipment sharp to increase efficiency

Metal bending and cutting machines

avoid inserting fingers as they can chop off

Use the necessary precautions

Keep it disconnected from power

Always use it in rest mode to avoid it from interlocking itself thus causing injuries and accidents

Plastic injection molding machines

Use proper clothing to shield from heat

Repair it when cold

Keep a safe distance when moulding plastics

Ensure that safety guards are always in place

Dispose the fumes to protect the environment

Plastic sheet forming equipment

do not disturb when in operation

Use safety guards when in operation

Use hand protectives when operating it

Power it off before repairing it

Shearing machine for sheet plastic

be keen when operating the equipment since it’s sharp

Keep the blades sharp to increase efficiency

Don’t let the blades lay idle since it can course injury to fellow workers or visitors in the factory

Always turn off the equipment when not in use


C. Individual Specific

Any individual in the factory should wear a personal protective equipment.This could be the employees or any other person visiting the factory.

Safety glasses must be worn in all areas of the factory

Loose clothing should never be worn in the factory.Neck ties should also be removed

Over the ankle with steel toes shoes should be worn in the factory

Long hair should be tied back so that it does not fall to the machine when working on it

Never attempt to repair a foulty machine machine without notifying the supervisor so that it can be secluded then repaired.This is because other employees might want to use it and can cause injury to them if not notified

Anyone under drugs or has taken alcohol should never be in the factory

Preserve the facility by cleaning up all the mess after working.

Injuries must be reported immediately

The right tools are only to be used for the right job

Authorized personnel are only to operate electric fork lift

Smoking is only allowed in smoking zones and in lunch break only

All guards must be kept in space

All OSHA safety standards must be followed

Safety Disciplinary Policy

Many supervisors and manager mishandle or totally fail to manage disciplinary issues with their employees.They do this failing to take into consideration the consequences of their actions. If disciplinary issues are not handled well,this could lead to serious accidents and and injuries in the factory.It is therefore necessary to handle it with the professionalism it deserves

The main objective is to ensure that all the rules and safe instructions are followed ensure healthy working conditions in the factory.If such bad behavior is never discouraged ,it will be ingrained and and will be more dengerous to everyone in the factory.

With this regard,all employees must be responsible for their actions in the factory.

To increase efficiency and effectivenes,all these five steps must be followed .

reviewing of the disciplinary policies and the procedures by the management and the supervisors

Investigation of accusations and infractions by the management

Determining and reviewing disciplinary actions by the supervisors and the management

Documenting the disciplinary action by the supervisors

Conducting the disciplinary meeting by the supervisor and the management

When an employee is foung to have contravened these laws,they should be worned in a written document which contains these details

Their mistake

Their workplace

The consequences of their actions

Any other person involved

Any disciplinary measure like suspension or even firing

Safety Awareness Program

A. Safety Committee

The safety and health committee is to ensure the detection and prevention of any unsafe condition in the factory.It will be established with the representation of the employees and the management

The guidelines below will be followed

The employees shall elect their fellow employees for participation in the safety committee .This will be done in a secret ballot box.

The term of each member is one year and may be renewed.In an event of vacancy,the should be an election

The factory manager will chair the committee

The committee shall meet monthly or whenever there is an emergency in the factory.

The location ,date and time of the meeting will be chaired by the committee

All the proceedings of the meeting will be documented and filed in the factory for future reference.Copies will be sent to the president,Top management and the fellow employees by posting it to where they can all access

B. Safety Meetings

As earlier explained,the meeting will be chaired by the management consisting of all the representatives .The meeting shall entail the following

reviewing all accident investigation to reveal the trends

reviewing all accident investigation to develope safer practices

Accept and evaluate all employee suggestions

Review all the procedures of the job and recommend improvements

Monitor safety program effectivity

Promote and publicize safety

C. Safety Training and Forms

This is the general training of the workers.This is to equip the workers with all the first aid knowledge needed so that they can deal with all the injuries forthcoming in the workplace.

All the employs in the factory must sign the accident prevention plan before they start working.People the factory alike must sign the accident prevention plan.

All the training will be coordinated by the safety director

Fork lift operators are to be trained in accordance to government requirements

All employees who work in areas with chemicals should receive their training in accordance to their area of specialty and government

All employees who will be wearing personal protective equipments will be taught onn how to use them

First aid training and will be conducted by a qualified doctor.

Machine operators are to be trained in house

Worker who drive company vehicles are to be trained on safe driving skill

The supervisor must be trained on hoe to report to the management on a regular basis

Safety training forms


Training Topic: Date: 

(attach a copy of the training session curriculum)

Instructor: Training Aids: 
Location: Time: 

Attendees – Please print and sign your name legibly. Use additional sheets if necessary.



D. Safety Award Program

Awarding employs for work safely done come with very many benefits to the company and the individual.The benefits of such a program include include:

It demonstrates the importance of safely working

Shows the the company’s appreciation to job well done

Gives the employs the confidence to the factory

Builds the morale

Demonstrates to the customer and other people the quality of service you offer

All employees that keep all a safe working environment deserve to be recognised in anual meetings of the factory.

Safety tips for awarding

A save worker knows safe working condition and help others stay safe

A save worker /employee will install all the safe guards to a machine

A safe employee knows all electrical hazards and keep the required distance

A safe worker will give first aid to the injured worker before seeking further medical assistance

Appendix A:

Material Safety Data Sheet

Electronics Product Name: Circuit board

1801 Morgan Street MSDS Number: 171

Rockford, IL 61102 Revision Date: 02/4/14

Phone: (83224) 956-356 Supersedes Date: 10/15/98

Part Number(s): 19-7522, 19-7518 Page 1 of 1


In line with OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200

Product Type:Circuit board

Product Name:Circuit board

Phone (24 hours): (470) 464-357

Part Number(s): 19-7809

Section 1 – Product Identification

COMMON NAME (logic board): Circuit board

CAS. NUMBER: See Section 3

HMIS RATINGS Minimal Hazard 0

Slight Hazard 1

Health: 2 Moderate Hazard 2

Flammability: 1 Serious Hazard 3

Reactivity: 0 Severe Hazard 4

Personal Protection: B Gloves, Safety Glasses B

Section 2 – Hazardous Ingredients

Principal Hazardous Component(s)




Isopropyl Alcohol** 67-63-0 400ppm 400ppm 31 mmHg 2.2 12.0 53(TCC) 15 – 20

Carbon Dioxide 124-38-9 5000ppm 1 atm. None None 5

**NOTE: This product in line with to Section 313 of SARA Title III.

Name: Circuit board

1801 Morgan Street MSDS Number: 171

Rockford, IL 61102 Revision Date: 02/5/01

Phone: (815) 968-9661 Supersedes Date: 10/15/98

Fax: (815) 968-9731

Part Number(s): 19-7522, 19-7518 Page 2 of 2

Section 3 – Physical Data

BOILING POINT (Deg. F): Concentrate Range: 170 – 200

SPECIFIC GRAVITY (Water = 1): Concentrate: 1.1



VAPOR DENSITY (Air = 1): >1





BLACK, odorless SOLID ; FINISHED PACKAGE: Pressurized containers.

Section 4 – Fire & Explosion Hazard Data

FLASH POINT: See Section 2


EXTINGUISHER MEDIA: Water fog, carbon dioxide ,dry chemical,

SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Use an extinguisher to put off fire .Switch off power from the main switch

UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Although Circuit board are classified as nonflammable under ASTM D

3065-77 Flame Projection Test, this product should not be used or stored near any open flames or ignition sources.

Contents under pressure.

Section 5 – Health Hazard Data



EYE CONTACT: Contact with circuit board or mist may cause irritation. This may irritate eyes;

SKIN CONTACT: can scrap your skin


Circuit board

1801 Morgan Street MSDS Number: 171

Rockford, IL 61102 Revision Date: 02/5/01

Phone: (815) 968-9661 Supersedes Date: 10/15/98



EYES: See adoctor immediately

SKIN:See adoctor immediately


Section 6 – Reactivity Data


CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Keep it dry.Avoid coming in contact with water or water




LOCAL EXHAUST: To keep at normal pressure

MECHANICAL (General): To keep below under low stress



PROTECTIVE GLOVES: use cloves when handling it to avoid scrabing

EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses or goggles


Section 9 – Special Precautions


IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Do not store above 70 Deg. F. Keep it in adry box

OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Do not put it together with other material since it can break and cause injury

Section 10 – Regulatory Information

Use it as a mother board for desktop computers

CANCER INFORMATION: No reported case




Section 11 – Other Information


Shipping Name: Consumer Commodity

Hazard Class: ORM-D

UN Number: N/A

Packing Group: N/A

Hazard Label: None

Carton Marking: Consumer Commodity, ORM-D


This company believes that this is the most accurate information concerning our products.

If these instructions are followed,you will get the best our products.

The company accepts no responsibility .In an even of any injury or any other alarming case,Feel free to contact the company management for any inquiry.

For any other legal issues concerning our company, inform the authorities and we will be informed so that we can prepare our defence side.

Appendix B:

State and Federal Posters




Electronic Monitoring

Section 31-48d of the Connecticut General Statutes

Wage & Workplace Standards Division

Department of Labor – (860) 263-6790

Minimum Wage Orders

Section 31-66 of the Connecticut General Statutes

Wage and Workplace Standards Division

Department of Labor – (860) 263-6790

Unemployment Compensation

Section 31-222-l0 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies

Employer Status Unit

Department of Labor – (860) 263-6550

Connecticut OSHA – for the state and any political subdivision

Section 31-371-2 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies


Department of Labor – (860) 263-6900

Sexual Harassment

Section 46a-54-201 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies

Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities – (860) 541-3400

Workers’ Compensation

Section 31-279 of the Connecticut General Statutes

Workers’ Compensation Commission – (860) 493-l500

Managed Care

Section 38a-1041 of the Connecticut General Statutes

Office of the Healthcare Advocate – (866) HMO-4446

Federal Family and Medical Leave Act – for employers with 50 or more employees

29 C.F.R. Rec. 825.301

U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division – (860) 240-4160

Federal Minimum Wage Law

29 C.F.R. ‘ 5l6.4

U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division – (860) 240-4160

Employment Discrimination – for employers with 15 or more employees

42 U.S.C. ‘ 2000e-l0

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – 1(800)669-EEOC

Disabled Americans Act – Employment Discrimination – for employers with 15 or more employees

42 U.S.C. ‘ 2000e-10

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – 1(800) 669-EEOC

Federal OSHA – for employers in the private sector

29 U.S.C. ‘ 651

U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA – (860) 240-3152

Polygraph use prohibition

29 U.S.C. ‘ 2003

U.S. Department of Labor, Wage & Hour Division – (860)240-4160

USERRA (veteran and reservist reemployment)

38 U.S.C. ‘ 4301

U.S. Department of Labor

Appendix C:

OSHA Forms and Instructions

You must record all work related injuries illness and deaths that involves loss of consciousness, restricted work activity or job transfer days away from work, or medical treatment exceeding first aid. You are also supposed to record work-related injuries and illnesses that are diagnosed by a physician . You must also record work-related injuries and illnesses that meet any of the specific recording criteria listed in 29 CFR Part 1904.8 through 1904.12. Feel free to

use two lines for a single case if you need to. You must complete an Injury and Illness Incident Report (OSHA Form 301) or equivalent form for each injury or illness recorded on this

form. If you’re not sure whether a case is recordable, call your local OSHA office for help.

OSHA Form 300

You must record all work related injuries illness and deaths that involves loss of consciousness, restricted work activity or job transfer days away from work, or medical treatment exceeding first aid. You are also supposed to record work-related injuries and illnesses that are diagnosed by a physician

OSHA Form 300A

This form is filled weather or not an injury or incident has occurred or not.This is as required by the law

OSHA Form 301

It is an incident and injury report filled when recordable injury in the work place is encountered

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