I can’t begin to imagine how life would be like without freedom. Living your whole life being dictated by others what to do; what to wear, what to eat, whom to become friends with and whom to marry. That sounds inconceivable, I know, but that is exactly what some people are going through on daily basis in other parts of the world. I don’t think I can stand that kind of life. That is why I strongly believe that freedom is important and a basic human right. Freedom isn’t a privilege that is determined by those in power, it is something that all human beings are entitled to just because they are human, regardless of the their skin color,religion,gender or political opinion.

In my view, freedom is the right to form and hold views.to speak your minds without looking over your shoulders and fearing for retribution. I believe freedom isn’t freedom if you can’t honestly express yourself. It is a shame that there are places on this planet where people have been locked up just because they gave an opinion about something. That is simply not acceptable and should not be allowed to go on unchecked,

Freedom also means the right to freely worship and assemble together. One of the greatest strengths of our nation is that people have freedom of conscience. Our country prides itself as having a liberal and progressive constitution whereby there is no state religion and people aren’t forced to believe in something if they don’t want to. I believe that is a good thing. I have heard of places especially in the Middle East where people are put behind bars for having a different faith to the one that is considered mainstream but that won’t happen here because the good laws that we have in place that allow for and safeguard personal choices and freedom.

Freedom also means the right to choose where to live and whom to live with. I am so grateful that I have had personal discretion in choosing all the friends I have and no one had to bark orders in my ears telling me whom to have as a friend and I think that has been a great thing growing up. I also have a right to live in whatever part of our country that I would please to as long as I can afford it

In conclusion, I think it is important not to take it for granted that we have the freedoms we enjoy in this country because some people somewhere would do anything to just have a taste of what we have every day that is why thousands of immigrants are turned away on our boarders every year.

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