Author name: Tutorials Magnet

Helpful tutorials for learning purposes available for free.

PSYC 360 – Terrorism

Select and discuss, with detail, either a radical political ideology or radical religious ideology well known for inspiring terrorist behavior. Discuss the details of this ideological effort, its roots, significant movements, leaders, and substantial effects gained as a result of the ideology, historically  Pol Pot was the leader of the communist Khmer Rouge guerrilla movement […]

PHILL100 – Introduction to Ethics Milestone 3

1 Which of the following people would likely be satisfied with Kantian deontology? Gary is looking for an ethical framework that originates outside humanity. Gina is looking for an ethical framework that is conscious of an act’s negative effects. Gosia is looking for an ethical framework that is based in a society’s laws and rules.

PHILL100 – Introduction to Ethics Milestone 1

1 An argument is strong and the conclusion is true, but both premises are false.  Which of the following terms best describes the argument? Unsound Sound Uncogent Cogent CONCEPT Evaluating an Argument 2 Which of the following is a benefit of philosophy? Philosophy improves critical thinking skills. Philosophy makes everyone’s opinion equal. Philosophy more easily

PHIL 200 Intro to Ethics Unit 4

Which of the following best defines virtue-based ethics? Answer: An ethical theory that emphasizes moral character over principles.A theory of ethics that asserts that actions reveal and reinforce personal characteristics Choose the true statement about virtue-based ethics. Answer: Actions are evaluated based on how the action reveals the actor’s character. Jean lies to her boss

PHIL 200 Intro to Ethics Unit 3

Unit 3 Challenge 1 For a utilitarian, which consideration is most important? Answer: The consequences of an action Why is utilitarianism an objectivist or relativist theory? Answer: Utilitarianism is objectivist because it asserts that everyone should act to increase utility. Which of the following considerations is important for a utilitarian when evaluating the morality of

PART FIVE: Written Report and Presentation

To what extent does nutrition affect a child’s brain development? I am setting out to explore the relationship between nutrition and a child’s brain development. In this complicated process, what is the function of nutrition? Nutrition is an environmental factor because it constitutes access to resources from the environment (i.e. food & water), but unlike

Operations Strategy

Operations strategies Discussion 2 “Operations Strategy” Please respond to the following: Choose two service companies with which you are familiar, such as Facebook, Amazon, and UPS. Apply Hill’s Strategy Development Framework to them. For each company you chose, compare and contrast each sector of the framework and determine which key area(s) provide(s) a competitive advantage.

Milestone 2 Test

Which of the following scenarios would be impermissible for an egoist? Krysta has some time to kill, so she sits in the mall and watches people go by. Katie picks up litter on the street because she wants to live in a clean neighborhood. Kevin works late, even though he doesn’t get paid and has

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