BCJ 2201

BCJ 2201 Unit 1 Assessment

Question 1: Discuss the history of juvenile justice in America. Be sure to include a short summary in your discussion about parens patriae, the child saver movement, and the JJDPA. (Your response must be a minimum of 200 words.) The first juvenile court system was established in Illinois in 1899, when the state recognized that children […]

BCJ 2201 Unit 5 Case Study

Unit 5 Case study Columbia Southern University These are some cases that were greatly affected by juveniles and how due process impacted their cases. I will start off with the case of Kent v. United States is about a boy who was taken into custody of the police and asked about some robberies and rapes

Working With Juveniles – PowerPoint Presentation

Working With Juveniles Columbia Southern UniversityUnit 2 Powerpoint Presentation Police Discretion Discretion is the availability of a choice of options or actions one cantake in a situation.One person is not the same as another so sing discretion for different people but for the same crime, and why they committed the crime is critical when using

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