BHR 4350

Career Advancement Techniques – Essay

Career Advancement Techniques Columbia Southern University Career Advancement Techniques Career advancement is important to some people. In fact, many people use it as their most important success measurement tool. I personally measure my success by my ability to take care of my family and help them become successful. I also use my children’s successes as […]

One-Cent Ethical Dilemma

Unit IV One-Cent Ethical Dilemma Columbia Southern University Unit IV One-Cent Ethical Dilemma Question 1. What actions do you recommend Rajah take about his concerns with respect to the new one-cent-in-change policy? Rajah should stop following this policy immediately. He should also tell his employees to stop withholding money from customers. The next move is

BHR 4350 Unit VII Article Review

Unit VII Article Review Columbia Southern University Unit VII Article Review In the article entitled “Dealing with Different Personality Types in the Workplace”, Megan Pasche discusses how to deal with different personality types in office environments and other work places. She goes on to give tips and strategies on certain types of behaviors and how

Sleeping on the Job Questions

Unit VII Sleeping on the Job Questions Columbia Southern University Unit VII Sleeping on the Job Questions Question 1. Should the company’s treatment of the grievant for the first two “sleeping on the job” incidents influence the outcome in this case? Explain. I think the first two incidences should have influence on the outcome of

Reflection Paper: Resolving Conflict

Reflection Paper: Resolving Conflict Columbia Southern University Reflection Paper: Resolving Conflict Resolving conflict can be difficult. Since every conflict is different, there are many different strategies to apply during conflict resolution. Over my 20 year military career, I was challenged by numerous conflicts, and I had, in some cases, the privilege of being a part

BHR 4350 Unit III Article Review

Unit III Article Review Columbia Southern University Unit III Article Review In the article entitled “Generation Gaps: Changes in the workplace due to differing generational values” there were many topics discussed. The writer’s intentions were to identify and address the differences in workers based on their generational gaps. According to their studies, the authors Kelly,

BHR 4350 Unit III Salts Questions

Unit III Salts Questions Columbia Southern University Unit III Salts Questions Question 1. Explain how the company’s treatment of both the “covert” and “overt” salts applications for jobs compares to the recommended counter-salting steps for employers. After discovering the “covert” salts were not qualified truck drivers, the receptionist immediately offered them positions as non-skilled laborers.

Collective Bargaining Case Study

Collective Bargaining Unit VII Case Study Erica S. Tanner Columbia Southern University Sleeping on the Job 1. The company’s treatment of the grievant for the first two “sleeping on the job” incidents should not influence the outcome of this case. The first incident of the grievant sleeping on the job was an undocumented oral warning.

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