Case Study Complaints

Case Study Complaint Letter # 3

To whom it may concern:

Hello, my name is Mary Guthrie, and I am writing this letter to complain about the

Unfair treatment I received because of my age and health issues. I have worked hard for

This company for seventeen years and still they denied my benefits. Even though I

Must go to the doctor monthly, and take medication daily it does not affect my job

Performance I should receive my benefits just like everyone else. I feel that I should be

Recognized as such for my dedicated work ethic I will file charges against this company

For discrimination due to my age and health issues Workforce discrimination is against

The law And I feel that this company has wronged me. According to (ADEA) Anyone

Over 40 years of age cannot be fired because of their age. The Family Medical

Leave Act (FMLA) is a law that lets you take up to 12 weeks for an illness. They should

Have accommodated me if all possible to work the accommodation include flexible work

Schedules or start times, reduced distractions or noise in the work area, working from

Home or telecommuting written directions and task lists, regular written or verbal

Feedback, Flexible break schedule, Private, quiet space to rest during a break, Use of a

Job coach you pay I deserve and my benefits and the company should give me what I


Thank you,

Mary Guthrie

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