Visual Literacy in Business – CGD218
Message & Audience
I work at a large Telecommunication company and we have an internal referral program called Inner Circle, which I manage. Inner Circle is available for almost everyone in the company to refer friends and family to our Business team. If the Business team sales them service the person who referred the business receives compensation. To ensure the employee gets paid, there are specific steps that must be taken by the Business team. I educate and communicate this information to the sales teams with a Job Aide. I also promote the program to the masses with posters and instruction on how to enter a referral.
The job aide typography is much different than the posters and instruction document. The font in the job aide consists of Arial because it is easy to read and is available on all computers as well as smart phones and tablets. According to the presentation designer, Helvetica is neutral, simple and easy to read, so I’ll be switching to Helvetica (2012). I include screen shots in my step by step instructions, to ensure there is no confusion. I find the use of arrows, text boxes and shapes around important information of something to emphasis, helpful. The posters are more colorful and eye catching with less text.
The platform used to deliver my message depends on how much information the audience needs. For the job aide I use a PowerPoint, it’s the easiest way to break up the information into visually manageable chucks, include graphics as well as links between pages for easy access to information. The posters are used to market the incentives available to employees that submit referrals. Since we change incentives quarterly and are so spread out geographically my team and I create these print on 11×17 paper and print them in the office. The pdf is also converted to a jpeg to easily include in an email. When I promote the program in person, I use a single sheet document with the most important information. I print a copy for each person so they can follow along and have something to refer back to at a later date.
In conclusion, the Inner Circle Program is an internal referral program and is communicated in many ways and requires many different types of messaging depending on the audience. The type of platforms includes: PowerPoint, PDF, jpeg and word document. Each platform includes a visual element such as a picture of a prize or a screen shot for instructions.
Williams R. (2012). Learning to See – A Guide to Visual Literacy
The Presentation Designer – – Illiya Vjestica – 5 Classic Presentation fonts – Reference from
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