CIS 170

The Future of Digital Crimes Digital Terrorism

Information Technology in Criminal JusticeCIS170 Digital crimes and digital terrorism are now on the forefront of criminal activities. In this age of social media old offenders are now committing crimes in new ways and digital crimes have become an extension of their physical counterparts, someone who commits a crime of check fraud now has the […]

The Digital Crime Theories

Information Technology in Criminal Justice[Date] Having been a victim of a crime, I often ask myself why would someone do it? Apparently, it is a question many have wondered about, analyzed and developed many theories around to help us understand the reasoning behind an individual’s actions. Theories which can be applied to a range of

Law Enforcement Challenges

Law Enforcement Challenges Assignment 3 CIS 170 Law Enforcement Challenges Imagine yourself as a victim of a cybercrime. Your home computer has been hacked in to, and all of your personal information, children’s information and credit card information has been stolen. You are a victim of identity theft. What makes this situation even worse is

The Law Enforcement Challenges

Information Technology in Criminal Justice[Date] In this age of social media old offenders are committing crimes in new ways and digital crimes have become an extension of the physical counterparts, someone who commits a crime of check fraud now has the ability to access the account electronically and move the funds without being anywhere near

The Future of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism

Imagine life in 15 to 30 years. With the fast emergent world of technology, crimes involving information technology in terrorism, no one really knows. What does the future of digital crimes and digital terrorism holds for us. There is huge impact on economics and society in employing information technologies in combating digital crimes and terrorism,

Digital Crime Theories

Digital Crime Theories Assignment 2: CIS 170 Digital Crime Theories Digital Crime is crime in which a computer or network is involved. There are many types of cybercrimes and they are caused for a variety of reasons. There are several theories that have been developed to attempt to identify the causes of digital crime. A

Business Continuity Plan & Disaster Recovery Plan

Assignment 1: Digital Computer Crime CIS 170: Information Technology in Criminal Justice Different Types of Computer Crime There are many types of computer crime, and each can fit into one of the four major categories. Some forms of computer crime are more common than others, and computer criminals use them to conduct their activities. There

The Future of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism

Strayer University – CIS 170 – Dr. Neal Basta 3/6/2018 Digital crimes and digital terrorism are no longer fears for just country governments as these forms of criminal activities are now filtering down to average citizens. Federal agencies all the way down to local city agencies are working to combat these crimes.As more people are

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