CRJ 425

Portfolio Milestone: Fraternity Hazing

Portfolio Milestone Fraternity Hazing CRJ425 Criminal Law Colorado State University Global Hazing, as defined by Merriam-Webster (n.d.), is, at its simplest, an initiation process involving harassment. (n.d.), goes further to define hazing, specifically fraternity hazing, as “any action taken or any situation created intentionally that causes embarrassment, harassment or ridicule and risks emotional and/or

Reflection on Career

Reflection on Career CRJ425 Criminal Law Colorado State University Global When I was hired on by the municipal court in 2018, I would definitely say that I had no idea what direction I wanted my life to go in. I had always worked low skill positions mostly in retail, customer service and hospitality but really

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment CRJ425 – Criminal Law Colorado State University Global Death penalties go back as far as the Eighteenth Century B.C., to King Hammurabi of Babylon (Death Penalty Information Center). Britain played a big part in America’s use of the death penalty, more than any other country. The first recorded use of capital punishment in

Honor Killings and Cultural Defenses

Honor Killings and Cultural Defenses CRJ245 Criminal Law Colorado State University Global “Some cultures endorse ancient methods of ‘cleansing’ a family’s supposedly tarnished name – with the blood of its daughters, sisters and wives” (Rubin, 2017). Known as honor killing, this ancient practice is regularly seen in Middle Eastern countries. But they don’t just happen

Portfolio Milestone: Case Studies from Two Real Cases

Case Studies from Two Real Cases CRJ425 – Criminal Law Colorado State University Global For my portfolio project, I have decided to analyze the cases of Ted Kaczynski and Charles Manson. Below is a list of references I may use for this project. References Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). (2016, May 18). Unabomber. Retrieved April

Criminal Law Case Briefing

Criminal Law Case Briefing Loving v. Virginia, (1967) CRJ425 – Criminal Law Colorado State University Global Case: Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 87 S. Ct. 1817, 18 L. Ed. 2d 1010, 1967 U.S. 1082. Facts: Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving, an inter-racial couple, got married in the District of Columbia in 1958 (Loving v.

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