Sexual and Gender Minorities in Multicultural Education approaches to multicultural education

Approaches to Multicultural Education




Approaches to Multicultural Education

The following strategies can promote global understanding of culture

Learner-centered teaching strategy that shifts focus from teachers to students learning by engaging students through active learning, and cooperative learning. This strategy motivates students and makes them get satisfied with school. When students are grouped to solve problems, they learn to work together and share personal experiences irrespective of their culture. Through this strategy, teachers can deal with different needs of their students.

Assessment and evaluation strategy where teachers make good use of technology to realize effective evaluation strategies. Use of technological resources assist teachers to ensure that assessment tasks are effective for student learning. This strategy assists teachers to explore the most suitable way of evaluating their students’ ability to maximize the use of technology.

Technology-enhanced instructional strategy can be used to further improve the quality of teaching and learning. We can use PowerPoint, blogs, web browsers for teaching and to support learning, or online technology to continue with communication beyond classroom walls. Here technology resources are used by both teachers and students in planning, and evaluating instruction

The implications of a deep understanding of culture for teaching and learning.

It bridges differences among students and enhances interconnectedness. Teachers know that students come from different cultures and the best method to handle students is through ways they can culturally respond to. Students feel accepted when their cultural diversity is recognized and respected.

It facilitates successful learning for all students and gives each child a chance to succeed in school. Teachers with a deep understanding of culture know that students’ academic abilities are not influenced by culture. Hence teachers will be able to give individual attention to students according to their areas of weakness. Many teachers, for example, tend to think that students of a particular culture have the same academic abilities.

It helps develop an education system that tries to accommodate cultural diversity. Diversity is honored when every teacher and student is treated with respect. Policies that are biased and that depict certain cultures as being inferior are amended and replaced with appropriate universally accepted policies. For example, most schools in the modern society favor uniformity over diversity.


Griggs, S. A., and R. Dunn. (1989).”The Learning Styles of Multicultural Groups and Counseling Implications.” Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 17:146-155

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