Special education

Special education





Culture has many effects not only to children’s socialization but also to their educational experiences. Educational differences occur when students from different backgrounds bring their feelings about their personalities, gender and their behavior concerning culture. Different students learn different languages from their cultures on how to communicate with each other and also with adults. The communication may be either in body language, facial expressions and physical gestures. The body language used in one culture may offend different culture and may lead to conflicts if used in educational sectors. It might be difficult to understand nonverbal messages in classroom since learners come from different cultures (Bruner, 2006).

According to Jenkins (2009) there are strategies which can be used by teachers to avoid these cultural influences in classroom. The teacher should develop teaching tolerance whereby he/she guides every learner on the effective language to use and educate them to use one language. The teacher should examine and be able to reach each student culturally and linguistically so that he/she can overcome the cultures which may hinder education in classrooms. You should understand each student so that you can appropriately reach them on their needs. You should also know how to overcome stereotypes by knowing the ability of each student rather than relying on racial or cultural background of the learners.

In conclusion, forming small groups is very effective method to use in learning environment. This type of strategy encourages the learners to be competence in their education according to their skills and helps them work hard towards their objectives. You should also try thematic instruction whereby single theme is tied to multiple subject areas. This makes the students more attentive and their interest is captured as education should be learner centered. All people should encourage special education as it is effective to every learner.


Jenkins, H. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. Mit Press.

Bruner, J. S. (2006). The culture of education. Harvard University Press.

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