Instructional Plan Analysis

Instructional Plan Analysis

EDU 620: Meeting Individual Student Needs with Technology

Instructional Plan Analysis

Universal design for learning is an approach that it is aimed to meet the needs of every student in the classroom. There are instructional plans that are designed to meet the needs of every student by using UDL approach. In this analysis I will introduce a lesson plan that uses UDL approach and gives the students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding. It is very important that every lesson plan that uses UDL approach provide appropriate representation, action, expression, and engagement therefore the following lesson plan will be evaluated to ensure it has the three main principles.

Lesson Description

Title: The Life Cycle of Butterflies, Day 1 Subject: Science Grade Level: Pre-K-2

In this lesson students will learn the life cycle of butterflies while learning their eating habits, habitats, and growth cycle. Students will demonstrate their understanding and differentiating the life of other animals. To support student’s engagement, they will participate in several activities that will support their learning and understanding of the life cycle of butterflies. The goals for this lesson are that the student will be able to identify and describe the life cycle of a butterfly, demonstrate the life cycle of the butterfly is different than other animals, and demonstrate understanding of the beginning of an animal’s life cycle.

Principle 1

In this model lesson students will be given the goals and objectives of the lesson. This will help the students know what the lesson will be about and brainstorm. “Using Kidspirationg with projection, or using a chalk or white board, lead a class brainstorming session on the lesson’s topic, ask the students to tell you everything they know about the life cycle of butterflies” (CAST UDL Lessor Builder, n.d.). After the students have been introduced to the lesson, they will then learn new information that is appropriate to the lesson including vocabulary words, stages of the butterfly life cycle, and correct words for each stage.

Principle 2

In this lesson students are given the opportunity to interact with what they have learn by using visuals, verbal questions, games, and assignments. As the lesson is being introduced the teacher is using a white board to write down student’s ideas about the topic. This helps the teacher know where the student is at before the lesson. “Brainstorming is important it is a useful and quick strategy that you can employ to find out what your students know before you start teaching a new topic” (TI-AIE: Brainstorming: sound, n.d.). The teacher also asks questions to the students about the book that was read called Watch Me Grow, Butterfly by Lisa Magloff. This helps the students demonstrate their understanding of the book that was just read.

Students are given the opportunity to work together or individually to search for a book or website which later they will be given the opportunity to discuss their findings. “Next, provide each student with their own set of four cards. Each card represents one stage in the life cycle of a butterfly. Ask students to correctly sequence their cards” (CAST UDL Lessor Builder, n.d.). In this activity students are given the opportunity to express their understanding by using visuals in a form of games. Then teacher provides four centers in which students can demonstrate their understanding through various activities such as manipulatives, visuals, and writing.

Principle 3

The lesson began by introducing the topic to the students and asking questions and brainstorming about the topic that was just introduced. Questioning not only help teachers know where the students stand but it also keeps them engaged and makes them think of their previous knowledge. Teacher uses questioning on the next activity by reading a book and then asking questions about the book. Throughout the lesson there are many activities that keep the students engaged and learning, such as using images of the life cycle and using it as a game, giving the student the opportunity to work as a team or individually, and creating centers where the students work to demonstrate their understanding by using manipulatives, visuals and writing.


The lesson I analyzed provided an example of UDL approach because it gave the students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding by using various methods. The first strategy that is being used to keep the students motivated is by brainstorming about the topic. The teacher gives students the opportunity to share their ideas and thoughts about the life cycle of butterflies which creates an engaging environment. The second concept I think motivates the students is that the lesson gives the opportunity to choose between different activities. Overall, the lesson provides differentiated instruction by creating activities in which all students can participate and demonstrate their capabilities and understanding of the lesson. Throughout my analysis of this lesson plan I find that instructional planning is very important and should be done with enough time. As I was going through the lesson plan I noticed that it was well written and explained everything step by step. One strategy that I will consider applying in my own practice is brainstorming. I have personally used brainstorming for myself but lately I’ve been using it with my oldest child. She has an essay to write every month and sometimes she struggles to start writing so I have helped her brainstorm before writing and it is helping her a lot. I feel that this strategy keeps the students engaged and motivated.


In this analysis I used a lesson plan called The Life Cycle of Butterflies for students from Pre-K-2. This lesson plan is well written, and it provides several strategies to keep students engaged and motivated. UDL is an approach that should be used in every classroom to keep students engaged, motivated, and learning by using different strategies that support their learning preference.


CAST UDL Lessor Builder. (n.d). Explore model UDL lesson plans. (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from

Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. Retrieved from`

TI-AIE: Brainstorming: sound. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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