FIN 422

FIN 422 Week 5 Textbook Problems

Week 5 Textbook Problems FIN/422 Week 5 Textbook Problems 2. Your employer has awarded you 3,000 shares of SARs with a strike price of $20 per share. When SARs are exercised, the company converts the gain and compensates the employee with shares of company stock. The SARs have a five-year graduated and equal vesting schedule […]

FIN 422 Week 4 Textbook Problems

Week 4 Textbook Problems FIN/422 Week 4 Textbook Problems #1 a-f If more senior employees leave the company, could there be a reduction in productivity? How would you calculate productivity? If there is a reduction, how long would it persist? What steps might be taken to mitigate this problem?   Are there viable alternatives to

A Recommendation for Ed

A Recommendation for Ed FIN/422 A Recommendation for Ed The plan that I feel would be best for Ed would be a SIMPLE IRA plan. The term SIMPLE is an acronym for Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers. This plan is better than most plans offered because it would be a much

Restructuring a Healthcare Plan

Restructuring a Healthcare Plan FIN/422 Restructuring a Healthcare Plan Many companies restructure a healthcare plan as this can produce real financial returns. Increasing healthcare costs are carried by reducing wages. Health care costs have grown exponentially over the years, while wages and salaries at times have lessened. By restructuring a healthcare plan, employers are able

Retirement Plans

Retirement Plans FIN/422 Retirement Plans Introduction This week we got to discuss as a team the retirement plan that our employers offer and how they differ. With this discussion, we were able to see how the plans differ and determine the things that we like and do not like about each of these plans. As

Evaluating My Retirement Plan

Evaluating My Retirement Plan FIN/422 Evaluating My Retirement Plan Based on the research I did for this week’s team assignment, I really learned a great deal more about the retirement plans that my employer offers. My employer offers a noncontributory Retirement Plan (Defined Benefit) along with a 401K plan. For the defined benefit plan, retirement

Financial and Retirement Calculators

Financial and Retirement Calculators FIN/422 Financial and Retirement Calculators Retirement calculators are a good way to estimate what is needed to retire, how much you need for retirement, and if you will have enough to live off of. You can easily make estimates about your future and the calculator will provide a number for what

A Plan for Jonathan

A Plan for Jonathan FIN/422 A Plan for Jonathan There are many pros and cons to running a small business, with one of the most important aspects being a long-lasting financial plan. This is important because it can help keep the business productive, as well as, motivate the employees to stay loyal to the company.

The Employer’s Choice PowerPoint Presentation

The Employer’s Choice FIN/422 Agenda IntroductionWhy the Time is Now!Key Components of Plan OfferedHypothetical Employee Target (recent college grad)Analyze how the plan is competitive in terms of providing an important life event benefitDetermine if the hypothetical employee will have enough funds to retire using this planConclusion Introduction “They always say time changes things ,but you

Employee Retirement Plan Development – PowerPoint

Employee Retirement Plan Development FIN/422 Agenda IntroductionIntegrating various factors and variable needed to determine final balance in relation to pay Hypothesize how results can be considered for a possible modification of the plan designDecide what data may be needed from the participants to better assess possible plan strategiesDecide what additional data may need to be

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