Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes
Identify SLOs for the program.
Explain what impact the use of SLOs has on the student experience.
Explain what impact the use of SLOs has on program evaluation and revision.
Student Learning Outcomes
The job market today is a very competitive market. In the last several years, it has become even more competitive, because more jobs are requiring a college degree even to be considered for a position. That is why it is more important than ever to go to college and get a degree. College is also important because it gives graduates a better opportunity at finding a good paying job while using the skills, knowledge, and values that they have been able to learn. It is a known fact that having a college degree will increase the potential of higher salaries and more stable employment. For this to happen, college programs come with Student Learned Outcomes. Student Learned Outcomes help with being able to distinguish and demonstrate what students will be able to do after achieving Student Learned Outcomes. Because every program is different, it is important to understand the Student Learned Outcomes for the specific program that a student has chosen to take. After taking the BSHA at the University of Phoenix, a student will be able to run a hospital, private medical facility, nursing homes, and medical offices. It will also be important to be able to explain the impact of Student Learned Outcomes for the student experience, as well as, the impact it has on program evaluation and revision.
Identify SLOs for the Program
In this course, and throughout this program, students are provided with the necessary tools to use and apply in the health care industry. Per the program’s objectives, “the Bachelor of Science in Health Administration (BSHA) Program is designed to integrate a framework of general education courses with a health care curriculum that prepares the graduate with the foundational knowledge needed to enter today’s challenging health industry” (“Bachelor of science in health administration – University of Phoenix,” n.d.).
To measure the education outcomes, certain specific actions, by the student, are identified. These actions must be measurable (“guide to developing measurable student learning outcomes,” n.d.). These education sources are known for student learning outcomes or SLOs. SLOs are different types of statements which specifically let what students will understand and can or be even able to show what they have completed or even acknowledge in different types of programs, activities, course, and or even projects. The finally last sources are usually expressed as many different types of great knowledge. (“guide to developing measurable student learning outcomes,”).
In the BSHA program, students will encounter several learning objectives that will aid them in their overall knowledge and understanding of the healthcare industry. There are several SLOs that will be presented in this program. Some key SLOs identified for this program are: to having the ability to solve a health care organization from a marketed based outcome, explain the many forms of course management outcomes in the field, analyze many utilization application technology within a health care organization, using management and using the skills of leadership in field, and analyze money and economis problems in the field (“Bachler of Science in Health Administrator Leering Outcomes (BSHA), n.d.).
Explain what Impact the use of SLOs has on the Student Experience
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) affects the student in many ways. For starters, the SLOs are geared more to focus on the success of the student. The SLOs are put in place so that students are learning the material in the classroom, which will help them be successful in their programs. Also, the SLOs for the BSHA program describe all of the that a student can show towards their program. For example, one of the General BSHA the SLO is: Students should determine many courses with risk management. At end of the program, the student has the necessary knowledge to figure out the courses concepts in the health care field. With that been said, the student will be able to reflect on the learning experience, potential areas of growth, gain the basic knowledge to prepare them to enter a career in health care. Another great impact is that SLOs will also help the student in mastering areas that need improvement as well as help better prepare the student to achieve their career goals. Therefore, the SLOs will provide us all with necessary knowledge and skills for the BSHA program so that they can obtain their degree.
Explain what Impact the use of SLOs has on Program Evaluation and Revision
Student learning outcomes (SLO’s) has a significant impact on the program evaluation and revision because SLO’s will help the student gain the knowledge that is needed for the program and improve the student’s overall experience. The program evaluation is based on a student’s assessment, where evidence is collected, and data is analyzed. The assessment process is set up to implement improvements that the student may need and to monitor the effectiveness of the student’s improvements by making sure they are learning the skills that they were weak in. Someone’s performance has a direct effect on the program evaluation and revision because if that student is not receiving the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are needed for the program, then the evaluation ad revision will not be suitable for the facility. The student learning outcomes will help the development of making sure that a student is getting the knowledge, skills, attitude, and habits that they would need to obtain to complete the program. Evaluation and revision are used to make improvement in students, but the student learning outcomes are designed to make sure that the students get the measurable amount of skills and abilities that are obtained towards the end of the course. Without us learning the sources, the program evaluation and revision would fail because the student wouldn’t have the proper knowledge and skills for the continued growth of the healthcare industry.
While there is a high demand for the healthcare industry, it is also important to remember that this high demand comes with a cost. Getting a college education is the first step to ensuring a great job with great pay. Having a college education enables an individual to use the skills, knowledge, and values that they have learned and apply them to their jobs. It is a known fact that having a college degree will create more opportunity and room for promotions and advancements. One of the great ways to make this happen is by student learned outcomes. Student Learning Outcomes vary from academic program to academic program. Other Universities might have a different Student Learning Outcomes but one thing is for certain, they all share the same goal, and that is to help the student with achieving skills that they can apply in their future careers. The student learned outcomes give a student an advantage over other people because this will allow the student to be able to secure a better longer lasting career.
Student Learning Outcomes or SLOs as defined, are measures of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired through taking part in activities, learning, and or training. After completion of any course, program, an individual should have a clear and concise understanding of the material being taught, or knowledge being imparted, as well as having the ability to demonstrate said knowledge. Taking courses to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Administration provides students with a wealth of knowledge regarding healthcare management and functionality from a business standpoint. Within this program, students learn the many aspects of medical administrative operations, and how to become a leader in the business. During the courses taken, Student Learning Outcomes are extremely beneficial by ensuring the students are doing more than memorizing information and scoring well on tests, but that they can process the information they are learning and utilize the skills acquired. Succeeding in a degree program is essential to acquiring the tools to secure and maintain an administrative position in the medical field. Most health care facilities have raised standards regarding qualified personnel, due to the rapid growth and demand of the industry employing people who are experienced and well educated in their field is necessary. In healthcare, it is important to have a keen knowledge of the business and can demonstrate the skills you have gained through your education, this will put you in position for advancement, and guarantee a rewarding career.
Suskie, L., & Banta, T. W. (2009). Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide (2nd ed.). San Francisci, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Bachelor of Science in Health Administration Learning Outcomes (BSHA). (n.d.). Retrieved from
Bachelor of science in health administration – University of Phoenix. (n.d.). Retrieved from
A guide to developing measurable student learning outcomes. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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