Cengage Exercise Reflection
Human Resources in Health Care
Cengage Exercise Reflection
The Main Issue
The main issue of this week’s topic is performance-based incentive programs in relation to high performance. This is a program that seeks ways to motivate employees and thereby ensure high work performance. Motivated employees look forward to going to work thus reducing the rates of absenteeism. HRC top sale performers miss work after they made their weekly sales. There is also low turnout that affects the overall sales performance. It is evident that there are human resource issues that are affecting the employees. HRC retail management confirms a profitability problem inspite of a good revenue growth. Customers are dissatisfied and are complaining. There are also issues in maintaining stock. This depicts lack of commitment and teamwork from the employees.
In this simulation, HRC looks for ways to improve employee performance. There are various change suggestions that are to be weighed whether they should be implemented or not. These include equal benefits for both the management and the other employees, holding of monthly company status town hall meeting, elimination of score cards and skills-based payment programs. In addition to the suggested changes, the other ways to improve performance include skills development through training and job rotation, appraisals, compensations and employee performance rewards.
My Choices
The choices I made during the simulation were in line with the supervisor’s choices. Giving all employees equal rewards helps in strengthening togetherness within the organization. All the employees feel that they belong and not just mare workers, enabling them to own their respective tasks. It is also in order to hold monthly company status town hall meetings. This is a good chance to reflect on the company progress in terms of performance and strategies. It is also a good time for the employees to seek clarifications, to make suggestions and a time to come together and share relevant information. Such meetings may include sharing a meal thus strengthening employee bonds. I also think it is a bad idea to remove score cards as they are important in gauging skill development. Skills-based payment program is a good program that will challenge the employees to acquire various skills.
Main Lesson
The main lesson that I learned from the simulation is that employee incentives are necessary in ensuring high performance work systems. These incentives do not necessarily mean money but include other activities that bring about employee motivation and satisfaction. HRC is planning on giving all employees equal health care benefits. This is one way that will make employees feel valued as members of the organization. It eliminates discrimination that arises due to organizational ranks. Other incentives include training, appraisal and compensation. Training give the employees a chance to develop their skills. Every organization should invest in ensuring that the employees develop the necessary skill set to perform their duties. Appraisal and compensation should be given in a fair manner. Employees should feel satisfied with what they are given. HRC wants to implement skills-based payment program. This is an excellent idea as it will rewards every employee according to how much they can perform. It is also motivating them to work hard to acquire various skills.
In summary, high performance work systems are built by four major factors: Egalitarianism, Shared information, Knowledge development and Performance-reward linkage. Egalitarianism rules out ranks and power differences. All people are treated equally giving everyone a sense of belonging. Shared information means that all employees get to know of the company plans and strategies on time enabling them to give their views and contributions for improving the company business. Knowledge development comes from constant training and the organization should invest in ensuring that all employees are developed. Performance-reward linkage means that organizations reward employee performances. This motivates the employees to pursue results that will benefit both themselves and the organization.
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