HY 2000

HY 2000 Unit V Essay

UNIT V ARTICLE ESSAY COLUMBIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Abstract This paper discusses the major factors that aided the north in winning the Civil War. The American Civil War was a war between the north and the south states in the Union during 1861 to 1865. The Civil War was the deadliest war recorded in American History, […]

HY 2000 Unit III Assessment

Question 1 46 out of 50 points       Select and respond to one of the following questions: Why did the United States declare war on Great Britain in 1812? What political influences were involved? Could this war have been avoided? OR Discuss the Battle of New Orleans and Andrew Jackson’s role in the

HY 2000 Unit II Assessment

Question 1 48 out of 50 points       Discuss Nathanael Greene’s southern campaign. Why do some historians view Greene as being second only to Washington in importance in winning the war? Your response must be a minimum of 500 words.         Selected Answer: Nathanael Greene, one of Washington’s best subordinates,

HY 2000 Unit IV Assessment

The South was not in an economic position to wage a successful war for numerous reasons. The North could draw from a white population of 20 million and the South had only 6 million. In the beginning the South relied on the slaves to perform work in the fields and factories, which allowed more of

HY 2000 Unit I Assessment

Summarize the British victories from 1758 to 1760 that gave victory to Great Britain over the French in North America. In your answer, be sure to address the following questions: What major military figures were involved in these conflicts? What strategies were used by the colonial army, and what impact did this victory have on

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