INF 340

Business Systems Analysis

INF 340 Week 5 Final Paper: System Analysis and Design

System Analysis and Design INF 340 Business Systems Analysis System Analysis and Design During the first week of the course, we were tasked to choose a project idea for our final paper. For my paper I decided to choose the gym, because it’s a place that I’ve gone to for many years of my life. […]

INF 340 Week 1 Assignment 2 – Air Force Supply System

Air Force Supply System INF 340 Business Information Systems Air Force Supply System During my time in the Air Force while working military police plans and programs, I had the opportunity to work with our S4 section which specializes in logistics, deployments and receiving, tracking and delivering supplies to all members of our squadron. The

INF 340 Week 2 Assignment 2 – Requirements Determination

Requirements Determination INF 340 Business System Analysis Requirements Documentation Requirements Documentation for a system can be obtained in three ways: traditional, which is the process of conducting interviews, observing personnel in their own work environment and collection of information, Modern, which consists of joint application design (JAD), and finally radical which our text describes as

INF 340 Week 5 Assignment 1 – Gym Expansion: Project Documentation – PowerPoint Presentation

Gym Expansion: Project Documentation INF 340 Business Systems Analysis Proposed System Data Entry {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}Customer Account InformationProgram Ver. 1.02Full Name (Last, First, MI)DOB (MM/DD)Address (Street, City, Zip)Phone number (xxx)xxx-xxxxMembership ID numberTrainer NameFitness Record Uploaded? Y/NDate Fitness Program began? (MM/DD/YY)Last date modified (MM/DD/YY) Proposed System Data Entry Cont. Form: Customer Account StatusUsers: Managers utilizing information to generate

Fitness Club Membership – PowerPoint Presentation

Fitness Club Membership INF 340 Business Systems Analysis Business Proposal Building new gym locationProvide 24 hour access Mon-Sat/Sun limited hoursGym will provide daycare New pricing to cover new hours, daycare and new classesCurrently employing 8 employees/ plans to hire 12 more System Abilities Manages membershipsCreating New/Editing gym membershipsProgress appsFitness CalculatorClass schedule sign up/trackingHealth tips/information Basic

Fitness Gym Requirements Determination – PowerPoint Presentation

Fitness Gym Requirements Determination INF 340 Business Systems Analysis Requirements Determination Approach Interviews w/current staff and subject matter experts (SME’s) on future system requirements and recommendationsObtain current process from SME’s and employees. Create mock up of expanded/updated version of future system for testing purposesPinpoint peek hours for observation times to ascertain customer account handling First

Project Planning: Gym Expansion – PowerPoint Presentation

Project Planning: Gym Expansion INF 340 Business Systems Analysis Introduction and System Description Introduction of expansion will provide more responsibility to employessNew system will improve customer/trainer relationshipsWill allow customers full access to schedules, fitness programs, etc.Recommend user-guided program that allows customer to modify their own fitness planSystem has access levels for customer, trainer, manager respectfully

Project Analysis: Gym Expansion – PowerPoint Presentation

Project Analysis: Gym Expansion INF 340 Business Systems Analysis Membership System Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Customer Admin System Account/Payment info Official records Produced Gym Management Member Fitness Data Trainer System Membership entry/program introduction Customer Fitness System DFD Customer Cardio records Weight training records Main Fitness System Member diet records Member’s complete Fitness Data Admin System

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