Leadership Models

Leadership Models

LDR 531

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Leadership Models

Authoritarian Model Transformational model Situational model
Provision of clear goals and expectationsThe leaders have command and control over subordinatesThe employees do not question decisions of the management, and they do offer opinions and ideas but instead obey the leaders.A clear division between leaders and followers and often one-way communication approach that does not require feedback. Focuses on motivating and inspiring followers to embrace change.Leaders are emotionally energetic, intelligent, and passionate.They tend to balance between company goal accomplishment and employee satisfactionThe approach encourages participation and interdependence leadership with relevant feedback. The leadership approach focuses on the influence of a situation and environment on leadership style.Hersey and Blanchard’s leadership style encompasses five ways of leading; telling, selling, participating, and delegating, Blanchard’s SLII leadership style comprises directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating.The model affirms that one leadership style is not enough for all work situations and environment and that integration of management approach will depend on the environment and situation of the work and employees.

The leadership model described above compares differently with participative management approach. In particular, authoritarian leadership model focuses on command and control while the democratic style aims to integrate contribution from the group members. In autocratic approach, communication is one way and does not require feedback while in participative emphasize the two-way communication with feedback. Transformational leadership model has similar features with participative considering that it also engages employees by motivating and inspiring them to accept change. The transformational model addresses the needs of employees at the same time achieving company goals enhancing job satisfaction and improved productivity. Similarly, by incorporating workers ideas and opinions, the participative approach meets the needs of the employees by considering them during the decision-making process. Similarly, the situational leadership approach combines the elements of democratic leadership model as it involves participation when the situation requires so and the kind of employees working at that particular, time. Consequently, even though the three approaches compare differently with democratic style, situational, transformational, and situational methods have some common elements. On the other hand, Autocratic is completely different from other leadership styles.

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