MGT 370 Week 1 Assignment – Interventions


MGT 370 Organizational Development


Over the years, change has been evidenced to be inevitable, and it is characterized by various factors, which can either be transformational or transitional. Change can be described as situations characterized by new elements. There exists a wide range of differences between transformational and transitional change. There can be a description that explains the intervention process between the two concepts. Transitional change can be described as the shift in techniques needed in the completion of a process and usually formulated to increase efficiency. For instance, it can be technological change such utilization of new devices. Transformational change, on the other hand, is about a total overhaul of the present processes and procedures. The essay entails the comparison and contrast of change interventions concerning transitional and transformational change.

It is important to note that the occurrence of transitional and transformational change can be in tandem. However, evidence has shown differences between the two change concepts. In transitional change, there is the replacement of the existing processes with new ones. It is a must there is the dismantling of the already established ways and adopting new ones (Roggema, Vermeend & Dobbelsteen, 2012). It is possible to manage and support the transition phase through conventional tools of change management. For instance, cases of transitional change include simple mergers or acquisitions, reorganizations, and implementation of technology that does not need a significant shift in culture. Two variables characterize transitional change. First, the destination is predetermined before the transition process enabling change management. Secondly, the skills and actions levels and not the mindset, culture or behavior levels only affect the human resources. Another aspect of transitional change is that it is more progressive than sudden (Roggema et al., 2012). For instance, in the adoption of new technology, the process start is quite slow, but the end is the implementation of the required technology.

Transformational change, on the other hand, is quite different from transitional change due to some reason. First, their future destination is not known at the start of the transformation, and its determination is through trial and error, and vision (Leonard, 2015). Due to these, transformational change is not easily managed using predetermined, time specific and linear managerial plans. There can be the creation of an overarching change strategy, but the emergence of actual change process happens with time. It, therefore, means in this change the outcomes are often complex and unpredictable (Leonard, 2015). This type of change is experienced when an organization embarks on pursuing different markets, and there are radical changes in technology and when a new leadership that results in a complete change in organization’s structure and culture.

Despite the significant differences, transitional and transformational change shares a similarity. They have a shared end goal, which is the achievement of a productive change. Transitional change entails the improvement of process efficiencies through replacement of a process with something new. The goal is the improvement in the organization. Transformational change entails radical development, but the goal is the adoption of a structure or a culture that promotes efficiency.

In conclusion, the comparison of transitional and transformational change shows the existence of some differences. The two processes can be both beneficial depending on the specific needs of the organization. Implementing something new can be problematic, but appropriate change management practices are necessary. It is, however, important to note that the end goal is the improvement of process efficiencies.


Leonard, A. (2015). Transformational change management and change communication. Retrieved 9 February 2018, from

Roggema, R., Vermeend, T., & Dobbelsteen, A. (2012). Incremental Change, Transition or Transformation? Optimising Change Pathways for Climate Adaptation in Spatial Planning. Sustainability, 4(12), 2525-2549.

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