Policy Analysis
Policy analysis is a way of evaluating political proposals or alternatives meant to find solutions of public processes systematically. It gives the people making decisions important information on how policies should work and how they influence generally considering the environment and the economy. There are many policy analysis methods that are used to address problems concerning policies. It is different from policy planning because it involves some approaches like the political approach to ensure that many things have been brought into accomplishment (Hajer, 2009).
A longer period of analysis is needed usually decided by officials concerned to be able to bring up actual facts about policies. Search phase or an inventory that is majorly directed by a given issue. The use of memoranda, draft legislation, issue papers and policy papers. It also involves looking for various alternatives usually put into measure and showed to the client. Finally a client may have a personal opinion to the problem be it an elected official, a chief executive or a public interested group (Rebelo, 2008).
To be able to attain the data gotten from analysis successfully, learners individuals should be able to know the many techniques like acquiring the skills required for qualitative analysis, the language used in policy planning, learn about public speaking and what is essential of it, should practice using secondary data sources, should get equipped with skills pertaining quantitative analytic skills, they should also have the ability to use documents to support their findings including graphs, charts and maps. Moreover, they should be able to advocate uncomfortable positions. Above all they should be able to develop management skills and be able to work as a team. This will help them to be qualified materials in the policy analysis sector hence a general great progress in the region concerned (Forester, 2011).
Hajer, M. A., & Wagenaar, H. (2009). Deliberative policy analysis: understanding governance in the network society. Cambridge University Press.
Rebelo, S. T. (2008). Long run policy analysis and long run growth (No. w3325). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Forester, J. (2011). The argumentative turn in policy analysis and planning. Duke University Press.
Stone, D. (2002). Policy paradox: The art of political decision making, revised edition. London and New York, NY: WW Norton and Company.
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