Constitutional and Administrative Law
The main insights learnt within the course of this study is the subtle differences between constitutional and administrative law. Constitutional Law is the part of national law which governs the system of public administration and the relationships between the individual and the state. It mainly deals with the legal foundations of the institutional hierarchy through which the state is governed. It’s also concerned with the composition, powers, procedures and immunities and relationship between the institutions of the state. Administrative Law on the other hand is more concerned with the work of official agencies in providing services and in regulating the activities of citizens.
The next insight obtained is the different sources of constitutional law. The main sources include legislation, judicial decisionsm, The Laws and Custom of Parliament, European Union Law, constitutional law and International Law. Legislative sources include statutes, bill of rights, Magna Carta, Acts of parliament among several others. Case law is mainly obtained from acts of court on the rulings they made during the case proceedings. Laws and customs of parliament are made by the powers vested in those in parliament following decisions by those who sit in parliament.
Persuasive Argument
Every public administrator should take this course because of several reasons. To begin with, it enables them to acquire more skill about both constitutional and administrative law. Also, it enables them to know the different relationships between the different arms of parliament including the legislative section, judiciary and executive. A fine distinction between these sections of parliament then enables any public administrator to know the influences these arms or sections of parliament have on the cases received. In conclusion, it enables the public administrators to understand the constitution in details and its structure in entirety to guide their decision makings in all their endeavours.
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