PHL 323 Personal Ethics Development

Personal Ethics Development





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Personal Ethics Development

Personal ethics development is basically growth ethically in terms of one’s developmental aspect of it. This is the ability to independently make moves that are ethically informed solely without external intervention. In terms of my belief on ethics, I believe it is better to give everything a change and a thought on an issue before any formal conclusion. This gives me a chance to examine them in each and every other aspect possible. In this manner, I might be able to give a second thought in an issue that I am perusing. To this effect, I will be able to get the most accurate and possible point of view. This is a position that I think is fair and never biased (Riker, 1997). My primary principle is to give the best when presented with a situation where I have to deliver. Critical thinking has enabled develop and nature it to the level that I can uphold my principles in this sort of manner. I believe everything deserve to be given a fair trial before a conclusion.

There are very many things that have assisted me in shaping up my principals and ethics that I uphold every day. The main one is the people around me. The society has had a fair share in developing and nurturing all that I have learnt and gained. The society always believes in fairness. This fairness and second chances has given me a way of thinking to always give things a second chance and a second thought before settling on something. The society has played their important role to personally shape me and develop my ethics and principles. Over the recent past, I have learnt a lot when it comes to ethics and I have managed to evaluate what has inspired me in the things that I have chosen personally and my guiding principles. I have managed to evaluate my past and realized that they have not been a bad one. They are actually part of critical thinking when viewed at some point. There are several decision making factors I have used to evaluate them as I have learnt at the beginning of this course.

My ethics and ethical standpoints on various issues that affect the running in the work place are very critical. It is because I will always use them on judging things and having a clear definite stand point is very important. It is always important to apply what is common and known by everyone out there. This is the norm that the people are used to and applying in work place will be crucial and important. Different societies have different moral stand points on several points of views. I have learnt how to apply different points of view to different people. I will use it to apply to the various groups that I find in the work places. Not all that I learnt from the society are applicable universally to everyone. Understanding each and every situation so that I can deal with it is the best way to go about it (Passmore, 2011).. When I was growing up, I was taught that it is better to make my own informed decision when I am presented. In the work place, there are several protocol to be followed. Despite having minor decisions made by me, there are some that need to be handled by a higher authority. For those that are in my position to be done or made, I apply everything that I know and have learnt from the society. I try to give my best and put my best foot in everything and what I do. This involves a lot of critical thinking since if anything goes wrong, I will be responsible and will carry the cross for it.

Ethics in an organization are very important. Having them engrained in the organization’s goals and philosophy so that they can be achieved. For leaders, it very important to have a high moral standings. This is mainly because they are the ones leading and they have to be at the top for other to follow or scale up to where they are. This also enhances the company’s reputation at the financial market and the general public at large. A solid and good reputation improves the company’s business. On the other hand, ethical employees use ethics to meet the quality that is required by the company and even go past them. This improves the quality of services offered. It is also very important for the company’s business and the image at last. Generally, ethics improves the company’s relationship with its workers and their clients. When there is a good relationship between them, they are able to share ideas independently and even make many issue be known to the management that might never have been brought to light. This enables them to act on it and make each and every situation transparent. This will finally benefit the company businesswise and also their reputation since everything that the clients raise get to the top management. This is good for any business environment as asserted by (Bartels, 1963).

These ethics are very applicable in day to day life. Weather it is on an individual level, organization or even the society at large. Each and every social aspect can be applied on an individual level has an ethical component of it. Doing the exact required thing should be a norm and ethics will help in accomplishing this. Organizations as afore mentioned are very important when it comes to handling ethical issues in their day to day running of its activities. It is thus important to have a clear well laid path where each and every employees and client can follow (Firestone & Catlett, 2009). This is mainly important because it is the society at large that the company is dealing with. Understanding their norms and how they deal with things is the best way around everything that is taking place here and outside. The society is very critical is upholding ethics and high moral standards. These ethics will enable each other coexist in a manner that is beneficial to everyone. In conclusion, ethics and ethical development has played a very important role in my growth as an individual. It has played a very crucial role in my life and even in the people I live it. Studying it has solidified my believe on everything about what I knew before.


Bartels, R. (1963). Ethics in business. Columbus: Bureau of Business Research, College of Commerce and Administration, Ohio State University.

Firestone, R., & Catlett, J. (2009). The ethics of interpersonal relationships. London: Karnac.

Passmore, J. (2011). Supervision in coaching supervision, ethics, and continuous professional development. London: Kogan Page ;.

Riker, J. (1997). Ethics and the discovery of the unconscious. Albany: State University of New York Press.

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