
According to the PMBOKĀ® Guide, “the WBS is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team, to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.” In other words, it lists the project’s deliverables and work packages. For this week, you will create a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project you selected during Week 1.

Remember that the WBS starts with your major deliverables (that you stated in your scope management plan) at the highest level. The lower levels have the work package required to complete those deliverables. Review the textbook (and the PMBOKĀ® Guide, if you have it) for some suggestions on how to create a WBS. From your work breakdown structure, develop a project task list with dependencies and add durations, using MS Project.

Develop the Work Breakdown Structure

Your WBS should have a minimum of 100ā€“150 line items in MS Project and be three levels deep.

Make sure to use verb-object task names (for example, “Develop software”).

Enter tasks in MS Project.

Create the predecessor relationships.


This is a group work and my part to complete is Decoration and Hiring.

Here are some example of the task to do :

Phase 4: Decoration and Hiring
Order uniforms
Conduct job fair/recruitment
Conduct new hire orientation
Complete staff training

This is how it should look :

Here is all the information from the coffe shop :

Statement of Workā€”Project Description andProject Product To open a coffee shop in a Midwestern town that currently doesnā€™t have one with expanded scope of venue is our objective. Our marketing efforts will be geared toward local coffee lovers and consumers of coffee. One main goal and area of focus for Beyond Coffee is to expand the scope of a traditional coffee shop to become,Ā  ā€˜Beyond Coffeeā€™. Our strategy will be to create an environment for fun, intimacy, friendship and relaxing for the customer. It is our belief that we can carve out a niche that will catch on in the identified community. Exposure for new artist and poets will also serve as additional exposure for the Beyond Coffee brand we will be building. Laying the groundwork for expansion and growth into other Midwestern regions with the ultimate goal of becoming the most popular coffee chain in the region.Ā As a coffee shop our main product will be coffee. We intend to give our customers top quality choices to drink in our coffee house or to take home to theirs. We intend to provide some of the finely prepared coffee in various types such as Espresso, cappuccino and Americano among others. We intend to make coffee and beyond the place to be for java junkies and others seeking local comfort in a cup. The menu offers local contributions of fruit, and bake goods. Our staff will be comprised of energetic, friendly trained individuals who have the desire to share their love of coffee with others. The after sales service include free and fast Wi-Fi for customers who might wish to use our cafĆ© for personal activities or finish up a school assignment. We also intend to have weekly music and poetry slams by local artist at our cafĆ© this we believe will give our clients value for their money while at same time giving a platform to young people in the town to express and grow their talents.The statement of work for the scope of this project includes the following:

Logistics and equipment


  • Facility: the kind of facility that we are looking for the coffee shop should be one that is accessible, it has a potential for outdoor sitting and a good and spacious parking lot. We intend to lease a 2,500sqft building for a given for the period of one year that is because new businesses have many challenges to overcome so renting works best because in any case there is a change of mind it will be easy to fold up things and move on. Some others considerations are picking a facility will be ease to getting to roads and ability to walk and nearness to major neighborhoods in town.
    • Design: We plan to hire an interior designer who has experience in restaurant designing and has a good portfolio. The design work should be purely within the budget limits and can be a staple for future franchisees.
    • Equipment: we recognize that buying kitchen equipment and fit out might be expensive for a start-up .We intend to start with second hand equipment such that we shall buy from other coffee shops. Some of the equipment we require include: Espresso equipment with metal jugs for holding milk during steaming, coffee brewers, grinders to grind large amounts of coffee for take at home products, tea brewer, microwaves, Panini grills storage, mugs, upright freezer, upright refrigerator, under counter refrigerator and storage racks or shelves.
    • Legal documents: our business will require to get Food Business License from the local council, outdoor dining license, sales tax license and local permit or license for live entertainment .We will also require to be cleared by safety standards officers before we can open our business to the public.


      • Management: being a partnership the coffee shop will have two senior managers that will have equal decision making powers in the enterprise.
      • Recruitment: Part of the process of personnel selection involves determining among the potential candidates, their suitability, their education, their experience, skills and ability to perform according to job specifications (Kaynak, 2002). The process is aimed at choosing the best candidate who can add value to the enterprise. We intend to be very thorough and particular about the kind of people to employ.
          • Supervision: the coffee shop will have a supervision officer who will be in charge of all employees. He will be tasked with making employee appraisals to recommend for promotions and dismissals. The type of person that we want for this position is one who is hungry and eager to get started. At Beyond Coffee we are about giving young people a chance to cut a niche for them.
              • Remuneration: our remuneration policy will be progressive and diverse, when the sales go up and more money begins streaming in that will also be reflected on the payroll of our employees but as a principle we will not pay anyone below the minimum wage. We believe that well remunerate workers are likely to perform well and work harder

              Quality control

                • Research and marketing strategy: Marketing strategy is the logic through which a company aims at creating customer value while at the same time making a profit( Kotler,2004). A good marketing strategy entails research, to find out about your customers and looking at the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to oneā€™s company(SWOT analysis)
                • Marketing mix objectives: Marketing mix is the tactical part of the marketing plan. It consists of product, price, and place and promotion (the 4ps). When it comes to product our main product will be coffee. On price we intend to set a very friendly price that range from 2 dollars to 8 dollars for food and beverages and 5 and up for merchandise such as coffee bags and mugs. The main idea is attract many customers but also enable us to make profit. We will use may activities to promote our products including social media and sponsoring events.
                    • Product positioning strategy: Our products and services will be set apart from other coffee shops because of the uniqueness. Not only we are serving the best cup of coffee in the area but also we are giving to the customer a place where they can meet, relax, enjoy live performance from local artist and create memories. This is meant to make sure that the brand retains its market share.
                        • Marketing communication: Our message will be concise and memorable to reflect the superior quality of our brand and products and active participation with the community.

                        Customer profile and satisfaction

                        • Personnel management: our employees will be answerable to the supervisor who will be answerable to the senior managers. This is to ensure that there are enough checks in place to ensure that there is no room for mistakes. Employees and the management will agree objective to be met for a given period and a review will be done after that period to ascertain if it was followed.
                          • Customer feedback: at Beyond Coffee the views and interests of our customers is what matters most. Our aim is to satisfy the customerā€™s needs both real and perceived. Once a complaint has been lodged we take immediate measures to correct it and if possible redress the customer for any loss suffered.
                          • Use of Lean technique: Our Company will use Lean technique to identify wastage and improves service delivery. It also will help identifying who the real customer is and the value they require.
                          • Monitoring: there will be continuous assessment of all processes of production, marketing and communication to find out if there are areas that require improvement or adjustments. This will be an all-inclusive exercise between the management and the staff.

                        Customer profile: Most of customers and our target market are mainly younger to mid age people. Services such as free Internet; outdoor space, music and poetry slams are geared towards pulling them in droves.

                        Freshness: we recognize that coffee loses its freshness in two weeks after being roasted that is why at Beyond Coffee we will roast our own coffee.

                        Comfortable seats: our coffee shop intends to have nice upholstered seats for customer satisfaction. We understand that most coffee lovers prefer to patronize coffee shops that have nice and comfortable furniture. According to Robson (1999) successful coffee shops have comfortable seats.

                        Enough lighting: The coffee shop will have adequate quantity of light according to the square foot of the local. Due to outdoor sitting some will be able to enjoy good sunshine and we believe that will meet the demands of our customers.

                        Cleanliness: at Beyond Coffee all employees will be required to follow health department standers of cleaning and storage. Old products will be discharge at the expiration date; raw products will be at the bottom of shelves and cooked products on tops of shelfā€™s to avoid cross contamination. All equipment and utensils should be clean and sanitize. The coffee shop will use the services of a professional carpet cleaning company.

                        Communication and advertising

                        Social media: social media is the use and exchange of content produced by users (Kaplan& Haenlein,2010) sites such as Facebook, twitter and YouTube provide a an inexpensive way of connecting with customers and reach more people with custom made information about the brand and products. We intend to utilize social media to reach more people

                        Feedback: good businesses or organizations give a chance for feedback and that will be our communication policy. Both our employees and clients will have a chance to give their input in decisions especially those that affect them directly. Feedback can be through social media or one-on ā€“one meetings with management

                        Promotion of social events: our coffee shop will take a keen interest in supporting social events in town such a talents of young people by sponsoring events. This will be our social responsibility but at the same time creating brand awareness and advertising our products.

                        Advertising: For our short-term goal we will adverse using social media, newspapers and flyers. As long-term goal Beyond Coffee we would want to advertise on nationwide radio and TV channels to increase profit.

                        Project Deliverables Secure funding from client Conduct market research identifying need, desire for Beyond Coffee conceptSource, identify, secure location based on market research resultsSecure required licensees and permitsSurvey location, identify repair, design, upgrades and complianceRequest bids from construction, installers, electrician, plumber and designerIdentify equipment needsPurchase equipment install and testIdentify target market, advertising mediums and create plansCreate Facebook, Twitter, YELP, Groupon accounts for Beyond CoffeeIdentify hours of operationContract Human Resources Identify staffing needsSchedule Job FairsHire staffIdentify and create training requirementsTrain staffExecute advertising and marketing plansIdentify, establish community partnership talent commitmentsSet financial goalsCommunicate sales goals to staff with actionable driversPlan and execute soft and Grand Openings
                        Project Objectives Thereā€™s a big market for coffee in the United States, and a lot of competition to sell it. Coffee shops set marketing and communications objectives as part of their strategy to set themselves apart from rivals. From getting new customers to keeping current ones loyal and happy, coffee shops have ample opportunity to encourage traffic, and sell more hot drinks in the bargain. Some of the objectives for the project are:Introduce ourselvesIf our business is just opening, or if weā€™re noticing a paucity of new faces in line during the morning rush hour, itā€™s time to let everyone know weā€™re around and weā€™ve got great coffee to sell. Our specific strategy will be different depending on our market and target audience, and could range from TV commercials to direct mail to a social media campaign, depending on our approach and our budget. Whether it’s a direct mail campaign with pastry discounts or a radio advertisement on the local rock station, the objective remains the same: Increase awareness of our brand name, and get new customers in the door.Separate from CompetitionA critical marketing and communication objective is to make our coffee shop stand out. Our business offers a different value proposition than competitors, whether it is a specific coffee blend, baristas whose latte art could hang in museums, or the best Sunday jazz brunch in town. If itā€™s a differentiator that separates our business from the coffee shop down the block, let everyone know.Maintain Customer LoyaltyFor a coffee shop to succeed, it canā€™t rely on the constant acquisition of new customers. Maintaining a loyal following is critical, and making that happen depends on more than the quality of the coffee itself. Incentivize your customers to come back with marketing strategies like a loyalty card offering free coffee every few visits and discounts on other products. Offering unexpected discounts or treats can have an effect on customers far beyond the money saved. If you give a customer a free snack every once in a while, it may inspire her to keep coming back in the hopes of seeing another random reward placed on her card.Keep in TouchThe digital revolution has, well, revolutionized communication plans for coffee shops. Incentivize customers to offer us their e-mail addresses and mobile phone numbers, follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook. Using those as marketing agents to get customers to come back, whether itā€™s by tweeting out a two-for-one special on iced coffees in July, advertising holiday drinks in December, or simply reminding people of our great coffee. Donā€™t overdo it, or theyā€™ll stop paying attention. But a well-timed ping from a social media source can bring strong results.Track MetricsWe wonā€™t know how well our communications and marketing plans are working unless we turn the guidelines into specific objectives and follow a plan to track their effectiveness. If weā€™re at the brand awareness phase hoping to increase our traffic by 10 percent, benchmark our numbers for a comparable period and see if the plan brought people in the door. We might track other specific efforts, such as the change in attendance at the jazz brunch or the use of loyalty cards, and try a number of marketing or rewards strategies to see which ones have the greater effects. Regardless of how well we draw up our marketing and communications plans, without data to back up their effectiveness we wonā€™t know if they worked or not.Financial objectives For example, what we expect to achieve in sales and profit. Then, we set marketing mix product, price, and promotion objectives: Products includes the brands we will sell, and any product extensions like baked goods, mugs or other items we may add in addition to coffee. Pricing objectives include prices we will charge so we meet our financial objectives and remain competitive. Place is our distribution objectives, such as retail sales; and, promotion, which includes advertising, public relations and sales incentives.Others objectives are:Choose a great location based on consumer needs and wants. This will be the baseline for the project.Stay under budget with building costs and renovationsProvide a quality product and mandate a firm fixed price that customers will loveDedicate a high percentage of the budget to building and implementing a great marketing plan.Implement a plan to hire and train a team that is familiar with the location and product we are selling. Build customer service team.
                        Project Assumptions We will have tough competition in area.We can begin preparation phase by 8/1/15The coffee shop will have 3 full time barista The coffee shop will be quiet and intimate, which everybody will enjoy.The staff working hours are scheduled from 6am through 10pmProject scope can be modified only if everyone in the project agrees.Expanding the business is possible after one year of business operation.The construction will be monitored and supported by project team.Customer will promote the coffee shop by word to mouth.The operation is transferable after project termination.Negative feedback on soft opening would be reflected upon the service improvement. Product differentiation is what makes the coffee shop stand out from other competitors.The coffee shop will always be clean and hygienic.The coffee shop sales are break-even in one year. Total Quality Management will be applied in the business practices.
                        Project Constraints Budget limited to $100,000Scheduled completion date must be 5/1/2016Supplies ordered by 11/1/2015 (limited to 2/3 contacts from franchisor)Supplies installed by 1/1/2016 (franchisor imposed restrictions on layout)Supplies cost limited to $15,000 (limited to list of preferred vendors form franchisor)Installation limited to $5,000Compliance with OSHACompliance with ADARegistration of franchiseCompliance with UFOC (Uniform Franchise Offering Circular) provided by franchisor
                        Exclusions Website (as new franchise location, this would likely be quite uniform w/ other locations)Design (similar to website; ā€˜templateā€™ can be executed, but ā€˜templateā€™ would come from franchise corporate)MenuPlanning sales promotionsDetermining hours of operationSetting up customer feedback systemCompany policies (overall plan on handling general concerns)Staff policies (specific to employee related concerns, pay, benefits, etc.)Maximum capacity for 60 peopleFacility location will be in a high traffic location with limitations related to parking.
                        Acceptance Criteria User acceptance A user acceptance criteria is a set of conditions that a project must meet or fulfill to be Business research to be done about viability of the project before it startsThe townā€™s local authority to issue approval before the coffee shop opening.Coffee will not be served on credit (rather on a pay as you take basis)The coffee shop to open at eight in the morning and close at nine in the evening everyday.Wi-Fi to be available but customers can use only after purchasing coffeeCustomers to be refunded in case of poor service at the coffee shopProject funding sources are limited, with no contingency.All products and supplies will be in order before the opening.All employees have completed proper training and demonstrate complete knowledge of the products and services. We will now consider how to use the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) quality management framework to ensure customer satisfaction and acceptance. AHP is a decision making process where a problem is broken into various elements then a list of priorities made according to how this factors affect a decision( Saaty,1980).Definition of taskBreak down all elements that are interrelated with the overall goal placed on top while the main attributes of the project placed below.Collect data about competing decision elements, threats and possible rivals to the projectQuality committee review A deeper evaluation and analysis is done about the strength of the coffee shop; is it customerFriendly? Does the coffee shop create any memorable moments for the customers? What are possible weaknesses that a similar project can exploit and use to its advantage? A final score is awarded after looking at all these considerations to determine the success of the project.OWNER/USER SIGN OFF I __________________________________ the undersigned certify that the statements made in this report are correct and accurate.Required/Target DatePrimary ResponsibilityComments/ConditionsApprovedBy/dateCustomerOrganizationLogistics and equipmentFacilityDesignEquipmentLegal documentsStaffManagementRecruitmentSupervisionRemunerationMarketingResearch and marketing strategyMarketing mix objectivesProduct positioning strategyMarketing communicationQuality ControlPersonnel managementCustomer feedbackLean TechniqueMonitoringCustomer profile and satisfactionCustomer profileFreshnessComfortable seatsEnough lightingCleanlinessCommunications and advertisingSocial mediaFeedbackPromotion of social eventsAdvertising
                        Type Name Signature Date
                        Project Manager Approval    
                        Customer or Sponsor Approval    

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