Clash of Civilizations: A Closer Look

Clash of Civilizations: A Closer Look  People, Power, and Politics SS236   Clash of Civilizations: A Closer Look Culture, Religion, Ethnicity, these are all things that makes people of the world different. Because of these differences many people have alternate views on issues and how things should be done. One way to look at this […]

SS144 Unit 9 Assignment: The Civil Rights Movement

Unit 9 Assignment The Civil Rights Movement   SS144 Sociology The Civil Rights Movement In the 1960s Civil Rights Movement there was protesting and rioting for all men to be treated equal. This footage by WHEC-TV shows just how these demonstrations were back then. While some protesters tried to keep the protests nonviolent, others did

SS144 Unit 9 Assignment: The Anti-War Protest of 1965

The Anti-War Protest of 1965   The Anti-War Protest of 1965 The anti-war movement began small among peace activists and leftist intellectuals throughout college campuses in the U.S. But the antiwar movement gained national attention in 1965 when the United States began bombing North Vietnam after an attack on the United States. One major issue

SS144 Unit 8 Assignment: Deliverable 2

SS144 UNIT 8 ASSIGNMENT DELIVERABLE 2 Introduction: Defining poverty in America today by the people of America. Survey research methodology will be used to answer the question of how people in America define poverty I asked three questions to three different people. I will be using unstructured interview questions to conduct this research. Unstructured interviews

SS144 Unit 6 Assignment: Part 2: Interview Analysis

Unit 6 Interview Analysis   SS144 According to Macionis, deviance is the “recognized violation of cultural norms” (Macionis, 2013, pg. 238). To learn more about deviance in society today, I conducted two interviews and followed a professional interview protocol. The first interview was with a neighbor (hereon referred to as participant one), female, approximately age

The Cold War Through Americans Eyes

The Cold War Through Americans Eyes The Cold War was a race for power between the United States and the Soviet Union. The two countries had different ideologies: communism versus capitalism. It was a war without military campaigns but billions of dollars were spent and millions of lives were lost either direct or indirectly because

SS144 Unit 8 Assignment What is Poverty in America

What is Poverty in America? Purdue University Global SS144 I formulated a research questionnaire to give two perspectives on the definition of poverty in America. I gave an unstructured interview to the two individuals I constructed this questionnaire to. An unstructured interview involves open ended questions, which give the individual the opportunity to express their

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