Strict Internet Usage Rules

Strict Internet Usage Rules

Strict Internet Usage Rules

The audience in this case is the IT professionals who are to be persuaded to adopt the strict internet usage in the company.

This field of communication has without doubt grown to be one of the most beneficial means. Many people have exploited it while others are using it well the way it should be however, other are misusing it knowing it or unknowingly in companies. Regulating internet usage is the best to cater for this and any other need that may arise.

The internet in the recent past has grown to be one beneficial tool in the work place. However, it has reached an extent where it has been misused by both the people working in the organization and intruders at large. Adopting a very strict measure is very crucial for this if any regulation to get the best from it is desired.

The internet if well used and properly regulated at the organizational level will be beneficial to everyone (Gilroy & Kruger, 2006). There are various very crucial reasons why I seek stricter inter net usage use in the organization. All of these reasons are geared for the wellbeing and productive usage of it. The reasons why I seek this are;

In conclusion, internet end user regulation in any organization or company is inevitable. The internet should always be regulated so that people can get the best from it. There are very many reasons for this as stated above. It should be regulated so that the best can be got from it.

  1. The internet is a great time waster especially when people go there to check their social networks. This has been found to
    • Reduce productivity of the employees. For this, the employees spend a lot of time in social media like Facebook and Twitter in place of working. This can be done through
    • Blocking social media sites on the organization’s firewall.
    • Encouraging them not to be taken away by social media sites
    • Take their attention away from work. People get drawn away from the workplace when they get more interesting or even distracting information from outside email or even messages (Guadamuz, 2011). These could be;
    • Sick messages
    • Death or even a calamity like an accident.
    • Disorients the organization of that organization by limiting focus. They
  2. There are very many intruders out there. These intruders are very harmful and distractive in many occasions according to (Gilroy & Kruger, 2006). They can;
    • Install malware to company’s computers. This normally a way in which cyber criminals can disable the company’s system and then cause havoc and even steal some of the information. It can act as a loophole in which data from servers can be stolen. They can install;
    • Spyware used to spy
    • Virus that can cause harm to the information stored together with Trojans and many more.
    • Spy the company’s data. As listed above, they will have access to the company’s information and data.
  3. Privacy is no more that safe and secure. People give out too much information out there on the internet (Smith, 2002). The information is a lot such that anyone who wants to track the employees can easily piece together and find the employee. With that information, wrong doers can;
    • Physically harm the employees or/and their family members. This has been witnessed in several occasions and accounts where the intruders collect several personal information and use it to execute their ill intended intentions. A case like the Amy Bouyer situation is the most common one. They can also
    • Interfere with personal life by making private information accessible to many easily
    • Use private information for other means
    • Freeze their bank accounts. Taking away other people’s account information can help in piecing together information that can lead to having personal log in details. With these details, they can;
    • Make transactions
    • Subscribe to services that will cost the person a lot later on


    Gilroy, A. A., & Kruger, L. G. (2006). Broadband internet regulation and access background and issues. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress.

    Guadamuz, A. (2011). Networks, complexity and internet regulation: scale-free law. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar.

    Smith, G. J. (2002). Internet law and regulation (3rd ed.). London: Sweet & Maxwell.

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