Unit VI Journal Reflection
EH 1020 English Composition II
Columbia Southern University
Unit VI Journal Reflection
For this journal entry I was asked to look at my process so far. I found it easier to write the body of my paper than it was to write the Literature Review. For me it was hard to whittle down what I wanted to write about. Over the course of this class I have become very passionate about this subject and I want to make sure that I am doing it justice and not placing my biases into my paper. I don’t think college athletes should be out right payed to play but I do think they are being exploited for their ability to play their sports by colleges and the NCAA. That is what I hope to get across in my paper as a whole. It makes it very confusing at least for me when I partially agree with both sides of the argument. After plenty of research I have noticed that most people are in the same position on this topic as I am, which makes me wonder how it has not come to a resolution or at the very least being talked about on a greater scale in the judicial system. While writing this paper I felt like I had to cherry pick from several different articles and polls to validate my viewpoint, at some level it made me feel almost dishonest. I don’t think I did anything that I haven’t seen before in other papers but it just felt petty or wrong at times only using bits and pieces.
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