The Organizational Structure of Management

The Organizational Structure of Management

Team BHCS/325


Looking forward to the change that is ahead of us, we will have to come together as a company to strengthen our teams and carry us through. In the following presentation we will represent the role of the manager within our company. We will also be covering the organizational structure of our managers.Thank you, and enjoy.

Why is Communication Important?

In order for managers to run an effective team, they need to have these methods of communication in order to:Have accurate, fair, and healthy working environment, which promotes productivitySet clear expectations Actively engage in problem-solving and follow up on feedback Have a clear understanding of what the team needs

Communication Methods

Open channels of communications which can lead to new ideas and innovationsFace to face conversations, both during meetings and one-on-onePhone calls and Emails“Listen to your employees and provide feedback” (SHRM, 2017). Giving your employees a voice makes them feel included in the company’s goals and mission within an door policies which allow the team members to come to the managers at any time with any concerns they might have without fear of repercussions.

Effective Team Dynamics

In order for managers to run an effective team, they need to have these methods of communication in order to:Have accurate, fair, and healthy working environment, which promotes productivitySet clear expectationsActively engage in problem solving and follow up on feedbackHave a clear understanding of what the team needs

Strategies to Minimize Conflict

Communication is so important, if conflicts should arise with change in an organization, the more transparent and honest leaders are, the better transition with the change. Managers act as a mediator in conflict resolution (Walker, 2015).Manager’s:Participate and be involved with the employees and the conflictCollaborate where the employees will work together as a teamEducate the involved parties so that the conflict only consists of the facts of the situationshould teach groups conflict resolution rather than avoiding conflict or disagreementsThe manager’s role is also to reduce conflict between coworkers by bringing solutions and motivating them.

Strategies to Fix Conflict

Determine the need for the change and the impact it may have on those affected.Conduct an organizational analysis, as it recognizes current situations, problems, and the forces that are possible causes of those problemsEmployee trainingConsidering the standards for hiring employees

Strategies to Encourage Organizational Change

Methods to Bring About ChangeDetermine the need for the change and the impact it may have on those affectedConducting an organizational analysis, as it recognizes current situation, problems, and the forces that are possible causes of those problemsEmployees trainingConsidering the standards for hiring employeesStrategies to Minimize/Prevent ConflictConducting an organizational analysis Employee training to create awareness (Gregory, P. 2018).

Organizing Change

CommunicationParticipation and involvement with the employees and the conflictCollaborating where the employees will work together as a teamEducating the involved parties so that the conflict only consists of the facts of the situation

Internal and External Relationships

The internal relationships that must be considered are Employee to employee managementEmployee to managementExternal relationships that must be considered includeOther departments within the organizationOutside companies such as partner clinicsThe family members of the employees themselves

Applying Organizational Planning

Looking at the goals of the transitional change, ensuring that they are in line with the goals and vision statement of the companyGetting the team members together in a meeting to cover the major points of the change Meetings allow for all members to be present and receiving the same information at the same timeSetting up a meeting gives the employees a chance to voice their concerns or questionsFollow through with reviews and check-ins to track the status and success of the transition

Quality and Safety

It is the responsibility of each individual to be an active and contributing member of the team. Each person on a team brings a unique perspective to the process; how things work; what happens when changes are made, and how to sustain improvements during daily work. Contributions are made from each individual’s skill set and the team’s synthesis of ideas.

Quality Evaluation

There are a few different ways that a manager can evaluate their team and plan for success, such as:OSHA rules and regulations can be used to evaluate quality and safetyEmployee and patient surveys will give the organization the information needed to move forward with improvements (NCBI 2019)

Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement works as systems and processes, such as:Focus on patients Focus on being part of the team Focus on use of the data Systems that affect patient accessCare provision that is evidence-based Patient safety Support for patient engagementCoordination of care with other parts of the larger health care system Cultural competence, including assessing health literacy of patients, patient-centered communication, and linguistically appropriate care


We feel that this company and the managers and employees contained therein will be great assets through this integration of two companies into one. The managers will each create organizational plans to utilize their teams to make this transition smooth. Thank you for your time, we look forward to hearing your thoughts throughout this transition period.


Slide 3 – SHRM (July 2017) Managing Organizational Communication. Retrieved from Human Resource Management: andsamples/toolkits/pages/managingorganizationalcommunication.aspx.Slide 4 – Peterson, D. B., & Hicks, M. D. (1 996). Leader as coach: Strategies for coaching and developing others. Minneapolis: Personnel Decisions International.Slide 6 – Walker, J. (2015, November 23). How to partner with managers to improve conflict resolution. Retrieved from Inside HR: resolution/Slide 8 – Gregory, P. (2018). Conflict Resolution: 8 Strategies to Manage Workplace Conflict, Retrieved from

Reference (cont.)

{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A} Slide 12 – Kaiser Permanente Center for Effectiveness and Safety. Elizabeth A. McGlynn,  Improving Quality and Safety,” Health Affairs, April 15, 2011 13 – Lundstrom, T., Pugliese, G., Bartley, J., Cox, J., & and Guither, C. (2002). Organizational and environmental Factors that affect Worker Health and Safety and Patient Outcomes. Detroit Medical Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Micha, 94 Vol. 30 No. 2.

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